Yellow tips, Curling leaves.


New Member
Hey guys. Im currently on my first grow and have 4 caramella autos on the go. They are currently 18 days old. I think they are doing great so far. Already showing pistols and starting to produce a smell. So i believe im in pre flower at the moment :hump:

Anyway ive noticed some of the tips of the smaller leaves turning yellow and they also curl down. However its just the leaves on the top. i do PH my water before but have not PH'd the runoff. and im watering every 3 days or so. With every second watering i give them a weak mix of veg nutes and some root strengthener. No real measurements tho. I just pour some on a spoon and mix in a 2 leter jug.

Anyway here are some pics. Sorry about the lines. The hps messes with my camera

tips.DSC_0164.jpg Curling leaves DSC_0167.jpg

Also the leaves of one plant cupped up about 10 days ago which i believe is a sign of overwatering? overheating? Either way they have not went back to normal. And it only happened on the set of 3 leaves and no more on the one plant. DSC_0166.jpg

So what can i do for my plants?
how do you think im doing in general for my first grow? here is a pic of them yesterday. Im quite pleased at the speed, smell and size of them at this age. The seed bank says 60 days from seed but i think 70 is a realistic amount of time

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Ok from what I see in your pics is that in #3 the leaf cupping is from heat stress.....A fan might help...Try and keep the area temps around 68-74F and the humidity to 40-50%. Be sure you get all the soil damp at waterings and don't water until the soil feels dry when you stick a finger in it to the first knuckle. If the cupping is simply on the 1 leaf set. Don't worry to much about it unless it spreads to the canopy level.
How old and in what media are they?
In the future it does you better to take the pics with the HPS off so we can see what they look like in better color!

They look just fine! At this point your not really doing anything to get a nutrient problem, so don't over think the way they "look".

What size pots and when do you think your going to flip to flower?
What nutes will you be using?


New Member
they are 18 days old and in a soil mix. Not sure whats in the soil as it came premixed. Nutes are organic bloom and the root strengthener is Rhizoponics. Both platinum brand.

I have no idea what the humidity or temp is. I plan to buy a meter but at the moment im skint.

Rhizoponics ( i cant tell if the label gives any info on this. its in french)

Nutes (NPK 3-2-5.5)

The pots are 4 litre. I do have a fan in there constantly on but its not very big. Only about 6 inches. I also have an extractor fan which will turn on/off every hour to take out some smell and heat.

I have read somewhere that the plants will grow in height for the next 3 or so weeks unless i switch to flowering nutes before that. so in about 3 weeks or if they start to get a bit big for my grow area i will switch to flowering nutes. Same brand. Organic bloom.

Reason i dont know too much about my nutes/soil is i ordered a grow kit from a french site so everythings in french. but it worked out great at 160 euro for a 250w hps, ballast, reflector, nutes, soil, small and large pots, ph tester, ph down, extractor fan and 6 inch fan. Free delivery.

As i've said, its a first grow. So I may be acting like an over attentive mother :roll: