yellow spots unsure of what to do...

White widow
7.0-7.5 (water adjusted to 6.5-6.0)
600W HPS
3 weeks 1 day into flowering
I am attempting to decipher what my plants are telling me. My one lady has yellow spots all over her upper leaves. I believe it is burn marks from when I recently fogged for gnats that are plaguing my other plant. However there are signs of a deficiency, that i cant quite figure out. At the point where the branches leave the main trunk there are large bulges and the branches and fan leave stems are a burgundy color. The soil does dry out faster in this plants pot requiring water every 2-3 days roughly (dry to the touch about 3 inches down) but I do not feed it until the full week has gone by. I am watering using MG Bloom buster at 1 lg scoop (1.5 Tbs I think), 1 lg scoop 5% vinegar (ph drop into low 6 by estimate water shows 8+ on pool phenol red test kit with ferts added) into two gallons of water, and one gallon to each plant. Well that's what I currently know. Whats wrong?

The spots are yellow, I asure you they are not holes that go all the way through have been this way for 3-4 days.



Well-Known Member
If its a def then it looks like possible calcium or nitrogen.. What's the NPK ratio of your food?
MG Bloom buster is 15-30-15 this plants leaves are a softer pale green where as the others is a dark glossy green.
there are no signs of spider mites, also this went from green leaves to what you see now in a day maybe two. The only visible bugs are the gnats but as I stated before this plant does not have any where the number (one maybe two) of gnats that the other pot has but it does not drain as fast so it is wet longer. RH is 35-60% reducing over the course of the day.


Active Member
Fuck your test kit, get a digital meter.
Also I have tried vinegar, people say it works but imo it causes problems.

This two things being said something is effecting your plants Mag intake, and I remember when I was using vinegar to lower pH I saw problems like this. I would say flush, start using pH down solutions, and add some calmag to your nutes to offset the problem.


Well-Known Member
Dude that 3rd pic is mites! They are eating your plants bro! Spray! Some kind of horticultural oil.


Well-Known Member
if to can get some seaweed extract and bat guano from osh or a nursery i think that would help you tremendously maybe its some micronutrient that its missing while going into flower ill tag along.. se if i can help any


Well-Known Member
Not trying to contradict what poster has said but how are you sure thats not spidermites? Really really looks like spidermite damage, look at the UNDERSIDES of the leaves and see if you see any black dots or little whitish yellowish balls attached to the undersides..


Active Member
FFS it's SPIDERMITE or I will eat my hat.

Get some 'PLANT VITALITY', £20 of ebay. Kills em dead, contains vits for stress and you can use up to 12 hrs before harvest without comprimise to bud. Do all your plants, not just the infected and spray the soil to catch the eggs and lavae.


Active Member
and remember those little assholes reproduce every 3-4 days
Good point, treat 2-3 times every 6-7 days. Concentrate on the underside of the leaves, thats where the little fuckers suck all the goodness out of your plants. Drench the plant, you won't harm it but the mites will if they go unchecked. I hate those little bastards.

When your grow is finished make sure you sulphur bomb ya tent and treat everything, and I mean everything, Walls, tools, pots, floor, ya cock..... oops maybe it's only me who gives my plants special man love and extra vit E boost.
lol too damn funny!

I have checked both plants over from stem to bud on every branch and the cola. There are no signs of spider mites, there was a bit of dust and way to much hair for my liking however. Could the eco-smart fogger I used kill them all off and leave no signs 4 days later. I fogged pretty early in the evening and got quite a bit on this plant. The leaves near the bottom, that got accidental full blast of the spray crumpled up and died within hours. Since then I have been using a 10-1 mixture of the spray in a squirt bottle and I have been hitting the soil, catch pans, and buckets nightly to help kill gnat, larvae and eggs. But again there is the issue of the red stems and bulging joints that no one has commented on.
no neem oil in town went with only organic stuff I could find.
geraniol 3%
rosemary oil 2%
peppermint oil .4%
other 94.6% ( water, white mineral oil, wintergreen oil, polyglyceryl oleate, lecithins, nitrogen)

here are a few more of the plant and its leaves.



Well-Known Member
just be careful not to let too much drip into your soil.. I made that mistake with a couple of my mother plants before and fucked them right up.. Not the same thing your using but just use caution..
so you are still thinking SM? would these spots just show up in a matter of days with mites? these were healthy leaves and then right after I sprayed they started to show up.


Well-Known Member
Had mites a couple of grows back just before harvest.
Sprayed each plant with 1.5-2 TBSP ivory liquid body soap per liter of water.
Let set 10 minutes then sprayed each plant clean with clear water.
Gently shook off most of the water & let each plant sit in front of a fan, turning every 5 minutes or so till dry before putting back in grow room.
Lightly sprayed or wiped down grow room with same soap/water mix while plants were removed (leave your bulb alone if hot). Also vacuumed up the floors corners etc .
Repeated every week for 3 full weeks!!!!! Have not seen a mite since.

Harvest turned out great.
I cut off and gently dunked the larger buds around in a large container of water for awhile to ensure there was no soap residue. Then hung to drip dry prior to trimming.
It was a fair bit of work but it did the trick, cost little $, and did not harm the plants or bud at all.


Active Member
lol too damn funny!

My questions and answers are above in red.

I have checked both plants over from stem to bud on every branch and the cola. (If you ain't had em or seen em, ya could easiy miss em) There are no signs of spider mites, there was a bit of dust and way to much hair for my liking however.(what do you mean by to much hair) Could the eco-smart fogger I used kill them all off and leave no signs 4 days later. I fogged pretty early in the evening and got quite a bit on this plant. The leaves near the bottom, that got accidental full blast of the spray crumpled up and died within hours.(Sorry, but so much for 'eco', eco my arse. All I can do is advise on what I use and thats 'Plant Vitality'.) Since then I have been using a 10-1 mixture of the spray in a squirt bottle and I have been hitting the soil, catch pans, and buckets nightly to help kill gnat, larvae and eggs. But again there is the issue of the red stems and bulging joints that no one has commented on.
Firstly, to all newbs...... In your early days, buy gear that suites your level of experience. Buy gear that has been tried, tested and backed with sound advise and a wealth of experience.

I coud tell you how to paint a Rolls Royce but would you be able to do it?

With all due respect, what the fook is an eco fogger..... It sounds like an over priced 'jump on the eco band wagon' potionn that obviously doesn't work.

I will personally guaratee 'plant vitality', if applied right, to piss all over the mites and give your plant a pleasant experience as it goes about it. You can't over dose, it kills the mites, the eggs and the lavae.

I am only ranting because it is cheep and it works, at least it does here in London.

KISS..... Keep It Simple Stupid.