Yellow spots!? noob

oh and since I posted this thread the plant has grown a lot it now has 4 nodes I will be putting it to flower at week 4, and nobody is changing my mind on that lol. I only have limited space so I need to keep the plant small.. I only have about 3 feet in height to grow in, I would put to flower at week 3 but NL is a week behind so im waiting for week 4 with cyber. Also I might top it but im not exactly sure how to do that :/

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
oh and since I posted this thread the plant has grown a lot it now has 4 nodes I will be putting it to flower at week 4, and nobody is changing my mind on that lol. I only have limited space so I need to keep the plant small.. I only have about 3 feet in height to grow in, I would put to flower at week 3 but NL is a week behind so im waiting for week 4 with cyber. Also I might top it but im not exactly sure how to do that :/
Read LSTing and Topping on this forum or check youtube.



Well-Known Member
How can I transplant with new soil? they are already I the pots that they will be staying in... I could try and remove the soil from the roots but I don't want to damage them..
Ive taken plants out of their planter and gently shaken off all the soil i can then used a storage tote by the sink and rinsed the rest off with the sprayer from the kitchen sink....i think if you simply gently shake off everything you can and replant you should be ok though. Others may have better advice.


Well-Known Member
oh and since I posted this thread the plant has grown a lot it now has 4 nodes I will be putting it to flower at week 4, and nobody is changing my mind on that lol. I only have limited space so I need to keep the plant small.. I only have about 3 feet in height to grow in, I would put to flower at week 3 but NL is a week behind so im waiting for week 4 with cyber. Also I might top it but im not exactly sure how to do that :/
How i top a plant....well how i do it one handed and taking video to grab pictures from.

