Yellow Spots!! help?


I would water every 2 days. Let the soil dry out and then water. No one can afford to water everyday as much as nukes are now a days. You might have a fungus a product like seranade will work. use it once a week til the problem goes away. A Pyrethrin fooger will kill any thing moving. If you go in your grow room 7 times a week. That's 7 round trips for bugs to your grow room, they fly first class.


You might have a fungus like Powdery mildew or Downy mildew. Spore can spread to other plants quickly. A product like seranade will work. Remove plants from grow room, clean grow room to remove left over spores. Then put treated plants back in the grow room. Use it once a week til the problem goes away. Also Pyrethrin fogger Bomb will kill any thing moving.