YELLOW+rust spots+hole in leaf (not bug related) whats up?


Active Member

My 2 bottom leaves are yellow, got rust spots, and theres even a small hole in 1 leaf? the rest of the plant is fine and a real dark green (like its sposed to be),, i did jus change nutes and i did give it nutes twice in a jus a few days gap (bat 3-4) but i do only use small amounts of nute,, is it jus nute burn??

Or i have another theory, where my plant is ive coverd the plant with reflective gear wud that say restrict the air for it to breathe??


Well-Known Member

My 2 bottom leaves are yellow, got rust spots, and theres even a small hole in 1 leaf? the rest of the plant is fine and a real dark green (like its sposed to be),, i did jus change nutes and i did give it nutes twice in a jus a few days gap (bat 3-4) but i do only use small amounts of nute,, is it jus nute burn??

Or i have another theory, where my plant is ive coverd the plant with reflective gear wud that say restrict the air for it to breathe??

lil more info on ur grow and setup would be good, and pics would go a great length.
the bottom ones usualy yellow n drop off anywayz so its not a problem, it is a problem if there is burns or etc.. or if the yellowing spreads upwards or all over.
as im having that problem.


Well-Known Member
go get a pictures, this will help out more than just a descriptions, because some may think orange, and you may thing rust, but it could be neither. Take a picturs, post it up, and you will be sure to findout ur answer shortly after


Well-Known Member
that looks like either a magnesium or a calcium def. add some epsom salt and u should be fine. that or go get some MagiCaL , or CalMag, w/e u wanna use. but id also look into it if i were u, i could be wrong. but im pretty sure its one or the other.


Those are the first two leaves that appeared when your plant was a seedling. It is pretty common for the first leaves to do that in my past experience. I had a nightmare growing situation where all of my leaves were doing that same thing. Any fertilizer that contains Nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium works wonders for un healthy plants. Just make sure you use the lowest amount required on the package or even less if you choose to play it safe. Good luck with your plant there I am sure it will be fine as long as you keep an eye on it.


Well-Known Member
Mine did that and it was spreading. I just lushed mine really good and then that solved the problem. I think I over fert. I cut my nute strength down and it stayed away. Good luck. Before trying to much start with a flush so you know you're starting with a clean slate.