Yellow lower leaves


I'm new to this and 2 weeks into my first grow while I've noticed my lower leaves are yellow while all the others are lush and green !! I watered the first week and added 1/4 strength nutes to second week and my dimmable balast is set to 250 watts at the moment.
Please help :-/

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Well-Known Member
Kinda hard to diagnose without at least a pic. Have you first looked at the plant problem section? I just had issues and it was mag. Def. Not saying thats the issue though.


Well-Known Member
Nitro is right , when the bottom leaves are yellowing its due to lack of nitrogen, feed em bro, you get better results/answers with pics btw
Follow stlbudz and nitro1990 advice. Bump up the amount you are feeding by 25% wait 3 days then another 25% if yellowing continues up the leaves, just try to be very aware how they react over this time. What nutes are you using?


Cheers guys....much appreciation! I wouldn't of thought it's under nute as I'm 1/4 strength and only 2 weeks into grow. As you can see I'm on a drip ring (15 mins feed 6 times during day, off at night). The leaves have even started curling and twisting on top since last checking around midday ??:-/1391892514271.jpg

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Whoa, nope sorry that looks like nute/ph issues after all... we didnt have a picture before though its a little washed out from the hps and hard to tell exactly what's going on. Do you have a pH and ppm meter? Back off the nutes and consider irrigating/flushing the roots with pH'd water. Note the pH of the water and see if it changes drasticaly passing through the roots. Sorry for the misinformation earlier.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
we can't really tell what's up with the HPS lights, as it distorts the true color of the plants
Can you post a pic without the HPS on
Dr. Jekyll

You should not be using any nutes until at least 2 weeks, then use 1/4 strength
They are showing signs of heat and/or light stress but then again hard to say with such a crap pic
Mr. Hyde


Right lads I'm dropping the nuted water as I type. I've got what PH level 6-6.5 since start. Haha my girlfriend is shite with a camera1391894069801.jpg1391894069801.jpg

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When I say dropping the nutes , I've installed a tap under the bubble boxes for fast emptying. I've already emptied and added fresh ph water with a level of 6 and no nutes.

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