Yellow lower leaves


Hey guys I need some help here. This is my second grow and its going sour. The lower leaves and totally yellow. I read somewhere that this is a magnesium or something like that shortage.

How can I fill in the missing supplement it needs to survive ?

The soil I used was a 33% mixture of peat/soil/compost and then I put in about 1 cup of perlite.


The deformed leaves tell me you probly have a nutrient lockout problem probly wrong ph, but yellowing lower leaves is traditionally nitrogen deficiency. Have you been ph'ing yer water? When is the last time you fed the plant?


I never fed it anything. I started it in some cheap ass soil from dollarama and it was growing ok, not as nice as the other one but about 80% as healthy, then I transplanted it to the mixture I mentioned above and then added perlite.

I was feeding it spring water so I figured that had good PH

So it needs nitrogen. Do I get some nitrogen tabs or something.

Hard to believe the 50cent soil from dollarama was doing better than the $5 bag from HD.


Well-Known Member
You need some plant food.. Jack's classic duo is cheap and easy.. Or you could pick any fertilizer you want.