yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
hey, anyone have any insight as to whats going on? my bottom leaves keep turning yellow with a dark middle vein, dark lesions appear and they eventually die. I've tried everything i can think of. I forget what kind of deficiency this might be, but any quick solutions would be great, i'd like to start flowering them real soon.

i tried mixing a teaspoon of epsom salt in a quart of water, this helped the leaves out alot but there are still some asshole leaves that keep dying on me. help please!

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
actually that helped a question. Anyone know if its ok to mix epsom salt in the same watering as nutes? or is that overkill? im growing my plants in hempy buckets so i want to get all those nutrients to them, but i dont know if id be overdoing it by mixing epsom salt and nutes together.


Well-Known Member
actually that helped a question. Anyone know if its ok to mix epsom salt in the same watering as nutes? or is that overkill? im growing my plants in hempy buckets so i want to get all those nutrients to them, but i dont know if id be overdoing it by mixing epsom salt and nutes together.
I think seprate? Like since your supposed to water w nutes every other watering mabey use the epsom mix in between? sorry idk anythin about epsom really :-(

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
yeah im afraid of doing that tho cus i know it needs at least once a week of just water to flush out any buildup. so i figured putting salt in those waterings wouldnt be too good.

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
so i got some pictures of the leaves in question. the first one is a leaf that i pulled off, it was done for anyway, i hope you can see if easily, its yellow-brown, with dark spots and curled at the tips. same with the second picture. the third and fourth shows a couple of leaves with really dark middle veins, theyre also starting to yellow. WTF is going on?!! i really want to start flowering them but not without fixing this problem.



Well-Known Member
Jeez, your plants look terrible. It appears that they are not getting enough light (resulting in awful stretching), and the leaves are very droopy, possibly indicating over-watering. How often do you water them? And what sort of nutrients are you using, and in what concentration?

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
theyre definately getting enough light, im using a 400w hps in a pretty small but well ventilated room. one of them is definately overwatered, i gave up on it, but the others arent that bad. i know everyone says to water every 2-3 days, but i really dont need to water until like 4 maybe 5 days go by and im just using perlite and vermiculite. i know they dont retain water well but they have been so far. i water with half strength 10-15-10 schultz liquid plant food whenever the perlite starts getting dry. i fixed most of the problem, i just dont know what the spots in the middle of the leaves are.


Well-Known Member
I used Schultz nutes the first time I grew like 10 years ago and had terrible results. In my opinion, Schultz is in the same category as Miracle Grow. If you are still vegging, 10-15-10 is not appropriate because it is too low in Nitrogen. You want something that is higher in nitrogen and lower in phosphorous and potassium. I use FoxFarms GrowBig and BigBloom and couldn't be happier. In addition to the macronutrients (NPK), it is rich in micronutrients and enzymes which your plants need to be healthy. I think you should flush with plain PH'd water for two weeks. In the meantime, get yourself some better nutes more suitable for growing marijuana. After the two-week flush, start feeding the new nutes at half-strength and see how things look then.

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
where can i find some good nutes that arent in a hydro store...there arent any of those around me. also, they're big enough where i want to start flowering, could i just switch right away from the flushing to some nutes suited for flowering?


Well-Known Member
You can order nutrients from any one of several online stores. I use HTG because they have great prices and have a great reputation amongst users of this forum. They are very discreet, shipping in plain brown boxes with no indication of what's inside. You can send them a money-order if you are concerned about something showing up on your CC statement (that's what I do).

Your plants shouldn't get too much bigger if you flush for a week or two before starting flowering. But keep in mind that, during flowering, they could double or even triple in size.

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
one more question. if i were to get foxfarm nutes, could i just use the big bloom or would i have to use the tigerbloom or any other nutes with it? basically can i just get the big bloom? or just the tigerbloom?


Well-Known Member
one more question. if i were to get foxfarm nutes, could i just use the big bloom or would i have to use the tigerbloom or any other nutes with it? basically can i just get the big bloom? or just the tigerbloom?
You can use the TigerBloom without BigBloom, but not the other way around. Keep in mind that BigBloom is not a suitable fertilizer on its own; it must be used in conjunction with GrowBig or TigerBloom. They only cost about $12 per QT, and for a few bucks more you can get the triple-pack which includes 1QT GrowBig, 1QT BigBloom, and 1QT TigerBloom.