Yellow leaf tips new growth


Well-Known Member
Hi, Can anyone help me diagnose this? The tips of my new growth are yellow. It's mostly on the new growth at top of plant.

Royal Queen autofem Northern Lights. 30 days old from seed.
Roots Organic with dolomite and added perlite
GH nutes. Fed her 3/4 dose 2 days ago. I have been noticing this issue for about 1 week.
City water. Filtered with tap filter and left to sit for 2 days.
3 gallon smart pot.
150w hps 12 inches away.
avg temp 75f
feed once per week.2014-05-03 10.33.53.jpg

Also, I am embarrassed to ask this, but I will anyways. This is the beginnings of flowers, right?

Thx for the help


Well-Known Member
Yellow tips are usually a sign of nute stress. This is odd because i've grown royal queens auto NL and it did NOT seem like a fussy strain when it comes to nutes!


Well-Known Member
Thank you. Nute stress as in too much nutes or too little nutes? I am guessing too much since 3/4 strength GH should be near the top of what a plant can handle depending on strain.

My other plant that is the same age, but a different strain is like "Oh yea, Bring it on"! :)


Well-Known Member
I never do that filter ph nothing any of that i mean it is better but if you now your plant you just listen to what its telling you, you needa ask thats how you learn or look it up ,.. perfect example your plant is telling you to kick back on the nutes by turning the tips yellow, the plant recieved an excess amount of nutes n stored a bit too much in leaves,your good nothing major ,i refer it to nute burn. Just go half nxt feed then do the amount you did now ,look like you over did it just a bit ,the more burn it is more effects like leaves cup or even worse turns brown n just crisp off ,hope info helps you!


Well-Known Member
Also i wouldnt let it complety dry out, when hand watering dont go off scheadule go off what plants tell you ,i like for my leaves to be praying most of the time, try n squeeze a watering between then,doesnt have to be run off just a bit to the root zone to get some oxygen to the roots, theres hating life down there drowning ,let em breath a bit


Well-Known Member
Oh yea those are flowers looks like beggining of it 4-7 days flower there going to stretch no ,personally i feed half veg and half bloom the first 2 weeks of flower for the.extra N alot of people cut out N in flower but they shouldnt ,your goal on every grow is keep em green all the way to chop ,people say its normal for leaves to yellow up in flower especially in the end phase ,wich is cuz your cutting out N ,N is still an essential in flower especially during the first two weeks due to new leaves still growing and budsites forming then they focus on bud production ,pretty much dont cut.out N completely just ease down on it and focus on p & k-(phosphorus&potassium)