Yellow Fan leaves during Flowering?!


Hello All, this is my first grow.

I'm currently tending 2 outdoor plants. Their environment is exposing about 10/14 sunlight at temps around 80-90 degrees with low humidity.

I water about .4Liters (just under a reg water bottle) for each one..about 3 times a week.

- (Indica) Romulan 13 inches
- (Sativa) Headband 114 inches
They are pretty much done vegging so i doubt they'll get any bigger, sadly..

I started pretty late in the season for Outdoor growing. Luckily, here in NorCal we are having an unusually later summer for some reason.

I purchased them as clones from a top shelf mother plant from a local dispensary. and They've been under the sun since August 1st now.(I know very late start)

They are each in about 3gallon pots with organic soil.

And I've used Bat Guana 2 times now 2 weeks into potting, and then 2 weeks after that.

My question is...Why are some fan leaves turning yellow? is this normal for leaves to slowly wilt and die in time for harvest? Because I think my children have atleast 5 weeks to go! And I fear its a different issue!!

My (tiny litte) Top Cola's are looking delicious though I think

Any OUTDOOR EXPERTS with a few words of advice?

:joint:Schmoke it up





Active Member
I'm in cen/nor cal and my outdoors are yellowing and im in 3 weeks flowering. I've flushed, fed, nothing changes, and as long as the leaves around my buds look good, I'm not really worried about the fan leaves


Well-Known Member
Actually, looking closer at that picture, I wonder what the plant is being fed. Several of those leaves have the N toxicity claw look and some of the newer tips are burnt.

and yes, that plant has been trimed as if by a weed whacker. Huge mistake.


Active Member
Iknow. But I think I know why he did it .So the buds get more sun. Rookie mistake. I started to make the same mistake when I was learning but somebody stopped me. Oh well , we learn from are mistakes. People are just trying to hard.


Well-Known Member
i have the same problem...growing outdoors most of the leaves on my brainstorm are turning yellow. i never trimmed it but seems like its trimming itself down due to yellow leaf not turning brown btw. i dont know if mine has nitrogen problem or pest problem ive been seeing a lot of ant like insects crawling im gald though that there one lady bug there.


Well-Known Member
i have the same problem...growing outdoors most of the leaves on my brainstorm are turning yellow. i never trimmed it but seems like its trimming itself down due to yellow leaf not turning brown btw. i dont know if mine has nitrogen problem or pest problem ive been seeing a lot of ant like insects crawling im gald though that there one lady bug there.
Please tell me you are joking, right? That one lady bug is not going to take on a colony of spider mites bro... Get you a Hot Shot No-Pest strip in that grow room asap.


no, i trimmed no healthy leaves im aware thats a BIG mistake. a few fan leaves on both just wilted and turned brown and taco'd.. i didnt even snip or cut it was to the point of just barely plucking them. Do you think its because i purchased the baby clones that were under an indoor light and exposed it to hot Cali august weather? its been 90 degrees on avg and im guessing the combination or heat/nitro def/flowering cycle could be the prob? I definitely hardened them off though for about 2 weeks so they could get used to the weather. But as far as weed wacking them Like i said i started late. they're 5 weeks old now. 3 veg, and 2 flowering. Im not too sure of when they'll be done but i hope all my leaves dont fall off by then!!


Serapis: So from here on out should i just let fans do their thing and not worry about yellowing?

Also, Ive used Bat guana twice in 5 weeks both about 2 weeks apart. do you suggest bone meal for the flowering stage now?

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Oppps, Good catch.... I missed that detail... scratch the no-pest strip ;p
Why?........I have 8 bright yellow sticky boards all around and in my OUTDOOR grow. Every miserable insect bastard that gets stuck on them, is NOT going to be making themselves at home in my girls.
Good luck & good grow.......BB

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Why?........I have 8 bright yellow sticky boards all around and in my OUTDOOR grow. Every miserable insect bastard that gets stuck on them, is NOT going to be making themselves at home in my girls.
Good luck & good grow.......BB
Yeah, I have several strips around my grow, they are cheap and catch tons of M F'ers that could easily be chewing the shit out of my plants. Yellowing is perfectly normal during flowering. needs P & k for nitrogen!!!!!


Active Member
agrees with space angel here....yellowing durring flower is not a big concern....durring veg, it could be lack of Nitro, leeching, or over feeding.....I may stand to be corrected, but those are common problems and easy to confuse to the untrained eye, or when dealin with a new/unknown strain. hell I got 9 diff bagseed goin outside atm.....let me tell's a wide shade of green out there :D