Yellow edges starting at top


Well-Known Member
Hey growers my buddies outdoor plant is got yellow edging that started from the very top fan leaves and is working its way down the plant slowly. Im pretty sure i know what it is but hes stubborn when he thinks he knows and swears its a K deficiency. I wont say what i think it is cuz if anyone agrees with me he say that there just jumping on the band wagon. So all u pros out there chime in plz
Its getting worse working its way down from the top. Its not just the edges n tips its in the margins too and now theres brown spots like a p def. Some1 plz chime in here thanks
Definitely a k def
Ya? Ive never seen them start at the very top n work its way down but ive heard it b4, i checked his soil ph and it was on the low side about 6.1 most spots 5.9 in a few i was feeling more k lock out as it started rite after he top dressed with some bloom nutes