Yellow Dry Leaves


my plants r about 3 weeks in, doing sweet fast bud seeds, and i've noticed a couple of the plants leaves are starting to form small yellow spots on them which then turns into the whole tip of the leaf going yellow and drying up a bit.

I used to have a fan on them constantly but they were getting stressed out so i took it out, i've just put it back in hoping that that was part of the problem.

from what i've read people seem to be saying its either nute burn or nutrient deficiency....which obviously isnt very helpful. anyone have any idea which one it is?

i've been using cana coco nutrients once every 2 days for the past week.

any advice would b great,


Active Member
A lot of things can cause this. Need to know more info. PH, strength of nutes, watering schedual.................the more we know about your grow the easier to point out a possible problem. I could tell you probably 25 different things that cause the symptoms you speak of, but I bet its only one or 2 causing it.


Active Member
oh yeh? that could well b the problem, what sorta ph should i be looking at though?
Soil PH 7ish hydro PH 6ish different strains will respond better or worse with a slight change from these numbers.