Yellow dots


Hi, this is my first grow, 2 plants in 40x40 cm area. My seeds germinates on 15/oct, and looked health until 2 days ago.
Im using alga-mic and grow fertilizers from Biobizz and about to start the bloom fertilizer from the same brand. Its been rainy the past 2 week and the moisture was about 85% and was difficult to reduce, once i live in front of the ocean.
Yesterday 14/dec i change the photoperiod to 12/12.
Today i saw yellow dots in some leafs on both plants. The pH of the soil is 7.0.
Do i have to worry? Can someone help me to understand and solve this?

Thank you very much in advance.



Well-Known Member
no, try and look at the back of the leafs close and look for bugs, you will need something stronger than water, you need to identify the bug then go from there


Well-Known Member
Looks like thrip damage. Some say its safe to use Spinosad during veg to kill & prevent them. Spray soil and soak all leaves and stems top to bottom. Works for mites too. Do not use Spinosad in flower.


After looking close, i found whats appears to be fungus gnats and just one bug that i couldnt identify in the grow (sorry for bad pics).
I kept 18/6 h and used neem oil (in the soil and leafs) yesterday (16/dec) just before the light go off. Today the leafs look like this:

