Yellow and light green lower fan leaves


It's an organic grow. 2 weeks into flower. The yellowing started with the oldest leaves and has been slowly working its way up the plant for three weeks. The rest of the plant has good dark growth.
I haven't been using any nutrients except for compost tea. The soil is made with good local potting soil, my own compost, rock dust, and perlite.
If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.


Active Member
It is definitely an N deficiency. Have you tested your soil yet? How old is your plant? I have had the same problem in the past. I mix bone meal into my soil as well as use Buddha Bloom from Roots Organics (as I'm in flowering), and haven't ever had yellowing again, aside from the few small bottom leaves dying off. I suggest testing everything - your soil/run off pH as well, to see what kind of food to buy (so you don't have something with more nutrients you don't need). I find N to be the easiest thing to get under control. I know Bat Guano is great as well. It is easy to stay organic. Good luck!


Now 3 weeks into 12/12. I boosted N and its been a week. I did two feedings last week with a tbs fish emulsion in a 1/2 gal water. The yellow is continuing to spread up the fan leaves. It's almost to the top. The lower fan leaves have fallen off. The buds, on the other hand, look great and and growing quickly.

Thanks for your help.

Edit: here's some pics.



Well-Known Member
all the pics on this thread show N deficiency; lower/oldest leaves are yellowing/dieing, it slowly climbs up the plant.

feed her. i recommend using something balanced(example 10-10-10) every other watering. since one of you asked how to do this; feed with 1tsp per gallon of miracle grow every other watering. the organic way is to buy some fish emulsion or seaweed emulsion and feed her with that. i will note that nh3(nitrogen) is the same N thats in organic nutes, and the same N thats in piss.

the quickest cheapest way by far is to mix 1 cup your piss(npk 50-0-0) with 4 cups of water this will give you about 12-0-0.......hahahaha this makes me smile cuz it will make you cringe lol, i'm sorry but you asked for organic. remember feed every other watering :)


Well-Known Member
you should buy some fertilizer at walmart or lowes or osh, pretty much anywhere with a nursery. any brand will do.

Keith Stone

Well-Known Member
all the pics on this thread show N deficiency; lower/oldest leaves are yellowing/dieing, it slowly climbs up the plant.

feed her. i recommend using something balanced(example 10-10-10) every other watering. since one of you asked how to do this; feed with 1tsp per gallon of miracle grow every other watering. the organic way is to buy some fish emulsion or seaweed emulsion and feed her with that. i will note that nh3(nitrogen) is the same N thats in organic nutes, and the same N thats in piss.

the quickest cheapest way by far is to mix 1 cup your piss(npk 50-0-0) with 4 cups of water this will give you about 12-0-0.......hahahaha this makes me smile cuz it will make you cringe lol, i'm sorry but you asked for organic. remember feed every other watering :)
cringe hell, gimme a cup...hey dude, why are you pissing in the closet?...thanks for the info