Yeild ???


Well-Known Member
You will pull more than 3-4 oz off those plants. Fuck I get 3-4 of plants half that size.. Unless you have some pencil dick colas at the end I would guess 6-7oz per.
Finally someone I can agree with... Stumpjumper I'm with you man unless shit goes terribley wrong he's easily got 6-7 per plant, much much more if he switches up the nutes and takes advantage of some great additives. I wouldn't be surprised to hear of a yield somewhere in the 2 to 2 1/2lb range come harvest time if he switches it up. I don't live in Cali so I don't have near the climate and we yield EXTREMELY well outdoors, makes me wonder if the people responding earlier have ever grown outdoors let alone outdoors in Cali's climate. Maybe I am one too many oil dabs deep for breakfast, idk...

Stay Medicated,
West Coast Cultivation
bethoven916~ Do you have access to either a hydro/grow shop in your area? If not are you able to order online via credit card and pay for shipping within a few days? If the answer is yes to either one of these questions, you're already headed in the right direction. Since you went the Miracle Grow route already, you can't really make the decision to go all organic, although the switch over too all organic now certainly isn't going to hurt any. If I was in your shoes (mostly worried about yield) I would say fuck going organic and pump them girls up using some quality nutrients. Start off with a good bloom base nutrient such as Advance Nutrients Sensi Bloom or House and Gardens Bloom. Feed as scheduled. Then I would get some bloom boosters such as AN Big Bud or H&G Top XL. I would also add some sweetners such as Bud Candy or Botanicares Sweet line, also look into some mollasses additions, some magnesium sulfate (epsom salt), and some good non chlorinated water and you should be golden bro! Not the best of situations, but you're going to end up harvesting a lot more than most are telling you. Now just concentrate on some of the advice on here and you will more then likely amaze yourself. good luck!

Stay Medicated,
West Coast Cultivation


Omg I have a new mission in life and I do have access to a hydro shop and I will amaze myself
and others with result pics her we go

Well-Known Member
What was your setup and Im growing outdoor so my buds should get considerlyLarger so I jst might crack one pound a plant hopefully
keep thinking that bud there is NO WAY you can achieve a pound a plant with the plants you have. A pound all together is more realistic, but then not really that realistic. Sorry to burst your bubble man, but there is no way in hell it happens.
begginer~ You really think there isn't going to be a pound of bud all together come harvest? the dudes in Cali, he's got the climate that's going to make all the difference. Sounds like he's making a trip to the local hydro shop and gonna cash in on some much needed additives, I'd be willing to bet another 5 or 6 weeks of flowering those colas will fill out to a minimum of a 1 liter bottle in diameter. Again I could be smoked out but I've got a greenhouse full of Platinum Purple OG Kush and they aren't near the size of his plants and I WILL yield a minimum of 6-8 per plant and thats on the central Oregon coast (the climate sucks ass). I think a lot of people are comparing his plants to indoor plants and or maybe their outdoor plants, but again he's in Cali and there's where the difference lays. Just my opinion, I could be wrong but I guess we will see come harvest time. I'm guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 to 2 1/2lbs total.

West Coast Cultivation


Thanks for the comments westcoast I think I'm going to switch to fox farm beastie bloom tiger bloom and some additives
along with some mollasis just don't witch additives any suggestions


Well-Known Member
Looks good brother, I'd say atelast 5 ounces on the lower end and 8 or so on the high end per. So I'll bet you'll be sitting around 2 pounds give or take a few ounces :)


Well-Known Member
Looks good brother, I'd say at least 5 ounces on the lower end and 8 or so on the high end per. So I'll bet you'll be sitting around 2 pounds give or take a few ounces :)
Betoven~ I have nothing against Fox Farm nutes, ecspecially for outdoors. Definately not my first choice, but a super good starting point for you! As far as additive go, you certainly don't have to worry about a limited selection at the hydro shop! I would start with a bloom booster such as Advance Nutrients Big Bud, House and Gardens Top XL, or other similar product. I would also add some sweetners such as AN's Bud Candy or Botanicares Sweet line, you're going to add a ton of flavor and in my opinion it turns crystally bud into super gooey bud! I love the stuff! Also the Humboldt County line of additives is a cool one. Products like Snow Storm, Purple Maxx, and Crystal Burst are lots of gardeners swear by them. Check them out man, and don't let all the low harvest guesses get you down. You should do all right, just stick with the advice that's been given to ya and give them bitches some love!

Stay Medicated,
West Coast Cultivation


Well-Known Member
Finally someone I can agree with... Stumpjumper I'm with you man unless shit goes terribley wrong he's easily got 6-7 per plant, much much more if he switches up the nutes and takes advantage of some great additives. I wouldn't be surprised to hear of a yield somewhere in the 2 to 2 1/2lb range come harvest time if he switches it up. I don't live in Cali so I don't have near the climate and we yield EXTREMELY well outdoors, makes me wonder if the people responding earlier have ever grown outdoors let alone outdoors in Cali's climate. Maybe I am one too many oil dabs deep for breakfast, idk...

Stay Medicated,
West Coast Cultivation
yea my guess as well, in the 2-3 lb range. a couple yield threads recently ppl been rele lowballin the guesses, and as u said, many of them probably havent even had an outdoor harvest. if i have an outdoor 1.5 to 2 ft plant with 4 main colas, i expect around a qp off it. outdoor buds grow around twice the size of indoor buds, and using indoor as a relative comparrison isnt gonna give u a very accurate yield guess


Well-Known Member
Thats an understatement guy, because if you got 10 oz from that he would have no problem getting a lb, your lights doesn't come close to that of the sun.

I think what you are tryin to say is that I am overstating my yield. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else.
Have a good day and as the say in Scotland Fuck Off..


Also my sour d just started flower a couple of days ago and they look to be promising ill
show pics in a couple of days


Well-Known Member

I think what you are tryin to say is that I am overstating my yield. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else.
Have a good day and as the say in Scotland Fuck Off..
no mr sally sour pants, he's saying, posting your INDOOR plant as a reference for someone whose asking for an estimant on OUTDOOR yield holds no relevance. he's saying a plant that size OUTDOOR wouldve yielded much more. so next time, before u get ur panties in a bunch, and jump to conclusions, thinking ppl are jumping on your back. take just a few seconds to read what was actually written instead of making an ass out of your self angrily posting things that dnt relate to what was said. i dnt get how anyone who smokes bud can become worked up so easy.