Yeild guess. Info provided


Active Member
Plant is almost three weeks old.

Gets eleven hours of direct sunlight, one hour of two yellow cfl 23 wats.

Growing in mg potting soil.

1 gallon container

Water every two or three days.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Really...two grams...its 12/12 from seed. Why would you say two grams

Because it doesn't really sound like you have much of a setup or a plan really. One cfl for supplemental light is basically nothing.

Also, show us a pic. The words don't really mean a lot in terms of guessing yield.

Prolly more than 2 grams, but how much more? Maybe 10 to 20 grams? Maybe not..


Active Member
PJ Diaz:7338288 said:
Really...two grams...its 12/12 from seed. Why would you say two grams

Because it doesn't really sound like you have much of a setup or a plan really. One cfl for supplemental light is basically nothing.

Also, show us a pic. The words don't really mean a lot in terms of guessing yield.

Prolly more than 2 grams, but how much more? Maybe 10 to 20 grams? Maybe not..
What will you need a pic of


Active Member
I figured using the sunlight for flowering was the best way to go...I didn't want to have to go out and get an hps lighting system for just one hour of light...

But if you guys think two grams is the best guess then I will run with that


Active Member
what is the 1 hour of light for? why not just run 11/13? the supplemental cfl light is pointless really if it's just an hour on some low watt lights.

The biggest increaser of yield is a longer veg period. Bigger the plant, with enough light, more bud.
Best way to learn to grow? Just keep at it and read a ton of RIU threads.

start here luck!


Active Member
The one hour of cfl lighting seems a bit pointless. If its getting nutrients & sunlight then theres no reason why you cant harvest half an ounce + ? Thought about transferring it to a bigger pot?


Active Member
researchkitty:7338704 said:
I dont think you'll make it to harvest, so my guess is 0g. :) Sorry to be debbie downer.
Why would I not make it to harvest?
I have a three gallon pot I'm going to transfer to when I see roots at the bottom

Guitar guy

Active Member
My white widow is going 12/12 from seed and at a month it was probably twice the size of your plant using just CFL's. I am expecting a half o from my plant so I'd say you're going to get about 6 grams