

Active Member
Sweating my ass off but im DONE. Got 4clones earlier today, Granddaddy Purp, Master Bubba, Banana Kush, and Frost. They came in the little cubes so i just planted them with about half inch of dirt over the cubes, is that good? watered the dirt b4 i planted put some more on top of that and then put the plants in the ground. Now important question b4 i watered i checked the ph of the H20 was at 7.2 so i used ph down to get it to 6.4 is that ph down safe to use. I bought it with a test kit from petco PLZ VERY WORRIED


Well-Known Member
You are familiar with "hardening off" your outdoor plants, right? I'd hate to see you cook them w/too much sun too soon. Basically it's just the gradual introduction of a plant to it's new environment. It's real important when going from inside to outside. Takes about a week-10 days.
The ph is fine.


Active Member
so should i leave them in an area that recieves less light overall and gradually increase or, put them in an area that is shaded??


Well-Known Member
Just gradually expose them to full sunlight until they are out in it all day long, then leave them out.


Well-Known Member
You can probably use some shadecloth or muslin, a piece of a sheet (white) to let a little light through, but not too much. Filtered light to start.


Active Member
checked on da babies dis mornin, guess theres a sprinkler that reached em and they were watered. suprisingly the dirt was moist and didnt seem to be drenched but was prolly NOT at 6.5ph, that bad one time??? Ill be making a night trip from now on and moving them to a spot that was not wet and seems to reach more sun. I am planning to put thin cotton cloth over the plants later today or tommorow morning (forcast is cloudy for today) to help harden them. Leaving them out in the sun 1st day out they seem fine, two of them were looking very good and one had yellow which started to fade away the other seemed to have curled leaves a bit and the very tips on a few of the fan leaves were dried up (just the very tip). Ill get pics later today or tommorow so you guys can have a good idea of what im working with. Thks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Are they next to a lawn or some other plantings that may be getting watered daily? If so, that may be a problem.. I'm not sure (though my garden really appreciated the long Memorial weekend rain we had, it just NEVER stopped) seeing as how it's via sprinklers and not natural, though.


Active Member
yea thats the problem imma have to start moving em at night to where the sprinkler doesnt hit em and then in the morning move em back when i water em. Also i was thinking bout pullin the pin out of the sprinkler so it only sprays in one direction, its one of those ones meant for hillsides that covers 180degrees.


Active Member
4th day into hardening this morning they look great definetly showing new growth and most of all the Cloths i put up over the two weaker plants helped a TON, THKS Seamaiden. ILl prolly take the cloths off on the 7th day, but the other two plants are looking very nice. Got some shitty cell phone pics but am gonna try and get a digi cam up there.


Active Member
skipped watering for today, the high is supposed to be round 86 so i think it should be fine. Everytime ive came back the next day the soil around the plant has been slight wet. Gonna go up tommorow with super thrive starting that at half reccomended dose, the roots should absorb it well with one day off from watering i hope. Pics coming asap i promise.


Well-Known Member
ok get some pics up and easy on the watering .. if the top 1/2 inch of soil with wet it DOESN'T need watered ..


Well-Known Member
your suppose to keep the clone out of sun for two weeks then on week 3 introduce another hour a day sun for a week


Active Member
your suppose to keep the clone out of sun for two weeks then on week 3 introduce another hour a day sun for a week
hmn i was told the hardening process took max10days and two of my plants are covered, but ill see how things go so far they're fine.


Active Member
just watered da babies after skipping one day, new growth is definetly visible. This time i decided to use the super thrive aswell. This is where i am running into a problem, on the back of the bottle it says to use 1/4 tspn per gallon and some people on here are saying 1 drop per gallon. For the first time i used 1/8 of a tspn mixed with 1 gallon so im wondering if i over did it or not.