Stoney you are dead on.. we follow Waldorf education prinicples here.. no plastic toys, all natural, simple, open ended toys to foster creativity. Plain waldorf doll I made, wool felt stuffed animals, wooden toys daddy made, natural beeswax crayons, etc.. There is a TON of research to show how all those plastic loud electronic toys hinder children.. but of course, no one reads these days. LOL.
Stoney there are tons of resources to learn how to make children's toys, and they never have to be perfect- that's the beauty of handmade. When your kid sees how much love and effort you put into something for them, believe me, that matters more than all the silly mistakes us adults see... Seriously, my daughters eyes light up in amazement as I turn pieces of fabric and wool stuffing into toys for her..
Me, too.I can cook,and I can sew by hand, like patching clothes and stuff, but I'm a little intimidated by sewing machines.LOL. I've actually heard of the dyer lint thing, good idea- cept we don't use a dryer here, or a washer for that matter. LOL. But for me personally, the wool batting is important, more expensive than cotton and the crap polyfill- but it's naturally antibacterial and retains body heat- so for example, in dolls, when they are cuddled the dolls actually warm up and feel alive. May seem silly to some, but it's something I wanted in my toys. LOL.. Plus I couldn't deny my little one's trip to the sheep farm.. LOL..
I couldn't live without my sewing machine and serger. LOL. But that's just me and my crazy hobbies.. lol , to each their own.
I wish I could sew, I've tried to learn and I just can't do it.![]()
At least I can cook and grow stuff.
My mom can't get the hang of a sewing machine either, can sew by hand.. but not the machine. My father is actually the one who introduced me to the machine when I was younger- lol. Gosh, my first machine was like 5 by 7 inches when i was like 10. LOL. I still have that thing, it don't work for shyt, never really did, but I just can't get rid of it, it always gives me a chuckle. And now my daughter loves to pretend she's sewing on it when I'm making stuff. LOL.
The thing most people have a problem with is getting the tension right.. if the tension on the machine is off it'll never sew right, and for beginners it's very fustrating and intimidating- even though it isn't them. The sewing machine is really easy to use once you've got the tension right and it's threaded.. My serger on the other hand, gosh, that took me like a week just to get threading the damn machine right, with the 4 threads needing to be done a certain way in the right order. LOL.. but the end result is amazing.
Everyone is different though.. my mom can't use the machine and I can't crochet to save my life.. knitting I can do, crochet.. god I spent weeks trying- it just ain't happening. LOL. She'll just sit there crocheting away making it look simple.. ugh..
Your computer art is really beautiful Stoney.