• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Yeah,they BETTER rethink that! Hademade toys and children’s clothing will not go away


Well-Known Member
Fluoride in the water is my bet as a sedative, Nazi's used it. Plus the Fluoride they put in the water is really toxic waste from smoke stack's its not the same as in your tooth paste.

As far as Chemtrails go, I would really like to know whats going on with that. I heard we used Silver oxide to rain out N. Vietnam but who knows. I mean If it was a good thing you would think they would tell us all the benefits we get from them doing it, if anythings being done that is.


New Member
It's really a wonderful system, they tells us we can't smoke weed, then they put shit in out water and spray it in the air. What if I don't want shit in my water or in my air. What if I want to smoke my docility drug though a bong?


Well-Known Member
Miss... no one is asking you, or any of us for that matter what we want, nor do thy give a shyt. It's called tyranny, and we live under it. LOL. Once more people start accepting that maybe enough people will get mad so we can change it.. =) I'm going to continue hoping anyways..


Well-Known Member
If this crap is true, can I get a little Floramite sprayed. Please, I believe an aerial bombardment is called for. Fly right over my house and spray the living shit out of it!!!!!!! I can hold my breath for quit a while.......


Well-Known Member
+1 Miss.. I remember when that shit came out. LOL.. It's not just about money though, pot smokers should know better than anyone else that's not all it's about. Look at the economic depression we are facing, yet legalization and taxation isn't on the table AT ALL, though it would certainly help bring us out of this problem we are in! Manufacturing and production back in the U.S., job creation, taxation, cut in spending by releasing all these non-violent smokers..

It's not about money, it's ALL about control and power.. money, corporations, taxes, etc.. those are just some of the vehicles through which they attain and assert their control.


New Member
But having over 500 respected professors on our side is a good thing, especially since they are economics professors. The goverment can't get away with calling them dirty hippies.

The government is in deep shit, less people working = less tax dollars = they're starting to sweat their paychecks too. It's already happening to city budgets, sales tax receipts are down, they can't pay their bills, they're starting to feel like the American people. :shock:


Well-Known Member
LOL. I know it.. you see any of those articles talking about how local governments are telling cops to be more aggressive in handing out tickets because they need the funds? LOL.. Add to that Congress just getting some $4,000 plus raise what a week or so ago? LOL.. We are getting raped from every angle, and it will continue.. How long til people start waking up?

Bah, any marijuana reform is a pipe dream right now, there will be no mass legalization and taxation- truth and facts be damned. Many are looking promisingly at Obama.. yet his surgeon general pick and drug czar picks are completely against any reform, and his own voting record shows no change either..


Well-Known Member
LOL.. had to laugh and add since when does the government care about economic advisors/professors ideas? LOL Obama's own economic advisor was saying last year how this proposed stimulus will do nearly nothing to boost the economy and that the cost does not balance the benefits.. meaning it's a huge waste of money.. Add insult to injury, the American public hears the word stimulus and thinks "yay! we're all getting checks".. umm.. no, we aren't.. LOL. It's for welfare, unemployment, and private companies. LOL.


Well-Known Member
I think things are working up to a big ugly revolution. Riots and blood in the streets on a mass scale. Just give it a little longer.
Depends on what ideology the people revolting are pushing...

If it's either of the two political extremes it'll die an even uglier death. If the left calls for Socialism and revolts the people on the right will feel like they are being attacked and counter the revolution.

If the far right calls for a Theocracy the people on the left will revolt, and the revolution will fall.

If it's a revolution targeted at stripping the politicians of powers, and returning to the Constitution as it was written, and doing away with all the powers that the States and the Federal Government has usurped from the people then it might have a chance. There's also the problem that a revolution might open a path for a dictator, and frankly, any one with enough political clout to become a dictator doesn't deserve the job.

The last thing we need is the scumbags in D.C. leading us, or some empty headed person from Hollywood.

No, I don't think we'll have a revolution, at least not a good revolution, headed by sane, intelligent, rational people. Any revolution would be headed by the extremists, like Grow Rebel, who has never read the constitution, and thus thinks that Bush is illegitimate.

The only thing important to a revolution, is who leads it. Are their honorable people like George Washington, who will lead us to victory, and then step aside despite calls for him to become King? Yes, but there's also people like Alexander Hamilton who will screw this country over by re-establishing the old oligarchy of the landed, and the financiers.

And while Europe might be eager to recognize any revolution, they would have problems with a United States suddenly fighting a Civil War, and that problem would be the withdrawal of troops.

Korea would face the same problem. In the end another American Civil War would be more damaging to the world, because of the deployment of United States soldiers that keep order in some parts, and push the economy in others.

The Koreas would probably resume fighting their war, because N. Korea needs the wealth of S. Korea if it is ever to push beyond being a backwater that resembles the worst of the dark ages.

Europe's economy would falter, as the wealth being pushed into it by the number of soldiers in Germany and England would suddenly be withdrawn.

Then there's the issue of foreigners interfering. Any organization that accepts foreign money would find itself opposed on all quarters. The moment foreigners try to interfere the revolution will find any public support for it destroyed.

Add Mexico to the mix, and it's faulty ideas that they actually own the Southwest and you have an even worse situation.

No, unfortunately a Revolution/Civil War is not a good idea. Well, it is, but it isn't at the same time. The only way to successfully carry out a revolution would be to elect statesmen and stateswomen that share the ideals of a free, and prosperous nation where the government leaves people alone, and is not constantly trying to fix things, causing more problems, that they then want to fix, creating an endless cycle of problem creation and attempts to fix the problems created.

Despite claims to the contrary, America is the Engine that pulls the World Economy along. This crisis has seen the proof of that. China is suffering, Germany is suffering, Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, every country that depended on American Economic Strength is suffering, because of the weakness of our economy. In the oil producing nations the sudden drop in demand caught them flat footed with billions in loans (made to them by the same banking institutions that got bail outs from D.C., no doubt) and now they are scrambling to pull their cash out of their sovereign funds, which have lost billions in value.

Then there's China, which relied upon the US Consumer for much of its growth. With out the American Economy it is realizing that the engine that was driving the domestic growth was the export sector (Revenge of Mercantilism?) and India, with its issues of fraud in the outsourcing sector may realize that it's even more vulnerable to a collapse of its export (outsourcing) sector.

Then there's Europe, and our Export Sector, which relied upon the growth in demand here, to stimulate demand from abroad for our capital products, machinery, tractors, mining equipment, presses, etc. They are suffering too, because of the weakness of our consumer sector.

And yet, the problem is a lack of credit, and over expansion of the same. Problems that the government can not really resolve as it [government] showed with TARP, and the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, which while giving the banks billions, failed to address the issue that they NEEDED TO LEND THAT MONEY OUT in order to get the economy going again. Then there's the people that are over extended credit wise, or nearly so. They either are in the middle of going bankrupt, and facing foreclosures, or trying to limit and shrink their debt.

There is nothing (well practically nothing) that the government can do about that. Any method done will make the problem far worse, before it makes it better.

Once again, the United States has found itself facing a situation similar to the Great Depression, where through their loans the banks faced way too much exposure to the over-expansion of credit, and not enough reserves to back their deposits.

One bank run against a major bank (any major bank) would see the entire house of Dominoes collapse. The only thing the government can do is try to prevent the Domino that are the banks from collapsing, because once they go, the economy will go with it. The only solution at that point would be, a World War. Jump Start the economy by producing trillions of goods that are promptly destroyed, and thus add nothing to the economy in the long run.

Not exactly an ideal solution. Who would we fight?

Russia? Not with our troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Russia may be weaker than it was during the Cold War but it is also stronger economically with a vast store of wealth in its sovereign fund.

China? Might as well watch Starship Troopers or read the History of World War I to see how well a war of attrition works.

N. Korea? Why bother a dying nation?

Cuba? What's the point, Castro is dead, or dying, and in another forty to fifty years it is likely they will adopt the path of the Chinese, and of the United States, a free-enterprised system supporting a welfare state.

The best solution would be to adopt massive tax cuts, and hope that the middle class, and the working class, who are huddling in their homes, drinking wine and beer, and wondering how long before they'll be outside freezing due to losing their jobs realize that if they are going to keep their jobs they need to make sure that other people keep their's by spending their money.

Consumer Confidence, and Consumer Credit, with the weakness of the Credit Markets the only thing that can pull us out of this crisis is to boost Consumer Confidence, and I hate to be a messenger of ill news, but the government doesn't have a solution for that.

Speaking of the government, the local government's have played a giant role in the current economic crisis, with outsized salaries to administrators and bureaucrats. Just yesterday I was reading in the newspapers that Administrators here in Ohio were clearing $300K. That's money that should have rightfully been going to improve the infrastructure, which would have worked to prop up the economy just a little bit. Now, any attempts to work on the infrastructure will be too little, too late.


Well-Known Member
but what do you really think? :bigjoint:
That is what I really think, the only solution is massive tax cuts, do away with the welfare state. Get the middle class and working class spending again, and then, maybe, it might be possible to reimplement a welfare state.

Though there's an interesting question... who's really benefiting from the existence of the Welfare State.

Care to take a guess Miss?


Well-Known Member
I'm just screwing with you, :hug:
Isn't that the entire reason everyone is here on the forums? To mess with other people?

Besides, from what I've seen you'd be part of the center that'd be eager to fight any extremists that decided to revolt, because their ideas are too far to the left or right.


Well-Known Member
Haha Brutal. Nice post, I don't agree with all of it- but a revolution certainly is rocky ground. I honestly think any type of 'revolution' that might actually get going will more than likely not be the best kind or the kind some of us would like to see- uneducated mobs upset and rioting in the streets, god help us. Most people don't understand the issues well enough to even know where to begin fixing them. Yes, I agree some type of dictator or socialist agenda would most likely flourish from a 'revolution'. The 'left' seems to think they are having some type of 'change' 'revolution' type thing right now as we speak- though it isn't in the direction of liberty and Constitutionality.

Add in the global situation.. a lot of different agendas could be cast into play if the U.S. seemed to be on rocky ground via a 'revolution'. I could perhaps even envision the U.S. splitting up Soviet style.. If we cannot find a way to come back to the founders' vision of America, where each state was separate yet united, different yet connected, but without this Federal bureaucracy- without this 'Federal government trumps all state's rights' bull perhaps we could keep things together. If not though, I worry about the U.S. staying together... we are too much of a melting pot here, too many different types of people with different ideologies to be ruled by one set of laws for all of us, it's not working now, and put under even more stress it will buckle. They'd have to put in a massive police state to keep everyone in line.. Opps. wait, they're already doing that.

I'd take the 'tax cuts' a step further. Abolish it, plain and simple- the implications of an 'income tax' is insane to begin with, it implies the government OWNS YOU, and OWNS a share of your labor, which they take forcefully at the end of a gun btw. Whoever said slavery was dead? Kill property taxes as well, the idea of paying RENT on land you "own"? Crazy. But, yes, that means we'd have to get rid of the nanny state, and we'd have to drastically cut spending overseas... I'll stop there.. that would be a great start to getting our country back in order.


Well-Known Member
Haha Brutal. Nice post, I don't agree with all of it- but a revolution certainly is rocky ground. I honestly think any type of 'revolution' that might actually get going will more than likely not be the best kind or the kind some of us would like to see- uneducated mobs upset and rioting in the streets, god help us. Most people don't understand the issues well enough to even know where to begin fixing them. Yes, I agree some type of dictator or socialist agenda would most likely flourish from a 'revolution'. The 'left' seems to think they are having some type of 'change' 'revolution' type thing right now as we speak- though it isn't in the direction of liberty and Constitutionality.

Add in the global situation.. a lot of different agendas could be cast into play if the U.S. seemed to be on rocky ground via a 'revolution'. I could perhaps even envision the U.S. splitting up Soviet style.. If we cannot find a way to come back to the founders' vision of America, where each state was separate yet united, different yet connected, but without this Federal bureaucracy- without this 'Federal government trumps all state's rights' bull perhaps we could keep things together. If not though, I worry about the U.S. staying together... we are too much of a melting pot here, too many different types of people with different ideologies to be ruled by one set of laws for all of us, it's not working now, and put under even more stress it will buckle. They'd have to put in a massive police state to keep everyone in line.. Opps. wait, they're already doing that.

I'd take the 'tax cuts' a step further. Abolish it, plain and simple- the implications of an 'income tax' is insane to begin with, it implies the government OWNS YOU, and OWNS a share of your labor, which they take forcefully at the end of a gun btw. Whoever said slavery was dead? Kill property taxes as well, the idea of paying RENT on land you "own"? Crazy. But, yes, that means we'd have to get rid of the nanny state, and we'd have to drastically cut spending overseas... I'll stop there.. that would be a great start to getting our country back in order.
Income Taxes are Involuntary Servitude is Slavery is Denial that people own themselves.

And Property Taxes are just another form of that, denying that people own themselves, because it denies that people own the fruit of their labor.

Yep, yep. :-)


Well-Known Member
As long as the revolt is to restore the Constitutional role of Government I am all for it, in due time that is. Right now constitutionalists represent about 1-3% of the population. That number hits 5% + and its on. As far as European and Mexican involvement in our Civil War F%^K them we will kick their asses to!! I might hesitate to kill an American soldier, But would Gleefully Scalp an foreign invader. The sad thing is we already have agreements to allow Mexican and Canadian troops on our soil to fight such an uprising. If you think that the Government doesn't see it coming you are wrong.

See the Great thing about Insurrections is they are Cheap, Modern Military in not and while our troops and police are wasting money fighting Constitutionalists they are oppressing everyone else thus creating more constitutionalists.

I don't see a socialist revolution or a theocratic revolution ever happening in the US. But people standing up to protect the Constitution That will happen. Will it succeed??? Probably not. But many people will die trying.