• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Yeah,they BETTER rethink that! Hademade toys and children’s clothing will not go away


Well-Known Member
We will sell illegally before that happens! You hear me?!

Just wanted to rant..

Ok, I guess I should start from the beginning, because there are so many who live in some little fake bubble of reality and have little care for what goes on in the REAL world. There's a good chance some people will not know what I'm talking about.

Last August Congress passed a bill called the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, it's aim was to fix the lead problem in toys.

(God, I'm hoping most of you know about that problem. A study of over 1200 of the most popular toys this past Christmas were tested, 1 in 3 of those toys tested contained toxic levels of lead! Certainly one of the many reasons that led to the decision in my household for NO PLASTIC and NO CHARACTER toys)

Anyways, in Congress' fumbling attempt to 'fix' the lead problem with children products they decided that ALL PRODUCTS marketed for children under 12 be required to be tested by an independent institution for lead content and Phthalates. (Yes, clothing included) Sounds dandy doesn't it? Passed with flying colors (surprise surprise, Mattel and Walmart were huge lobbyists to get it passed!) Now let's stop and think about this.

Huge toy manufacturers can easily shell out the $4,000 lab fees for every type of new toy and clothing product they produce. The little guy CANNOT. While the Gap and Walmart can easily shell out $4,000 lab fees to get each type of clothing they make tested, a stay at home mother like myself certainly CANNOT. Evermore reaching, this bill would also effect thrift stores and second hand shops- they certainly CANNOT test each product to check for lead and Phthalate content. This law goes into effect Feb. 10th..

While I'm happy to see that they are going to vote on adding exemptions such as for clothing and toys made from all natural materials (cotton, wood, plant extract paints and dyes, beeswax wood polish, etc.) too bad the vote for exemptions will not occur until AFTER the Feb. 10th implementation of the law. Though whether they will begin policing for those in violation of the law right away is another matter.

Most of all I am extremely upset at the constant government invasion into my life! There are reasons that our founders fought for free market capitalism, I am extremely tired of hearing about how our economic problems are because of deregulation! And that everything will be so much better when we have laws to govern every single possible aspect of our whole economy. Acting as if we have anything comparable to a free market in this country anymore in the first place! HA!

The issue is that the only way free market capitalism works is by an INFORMED CONSUMER!! If you don't want your children exposed to lead in their toys, do the damn research and don't buy from the companies that put such harmful toxins in our little one's play things! If you are unhappy with the loss of jobs in this country and the outsourcing of all our manufacturing, don't support these products, buy things made IN THE U.S. If you are unhappy with how certain stores take advantage of their workers, DON'T BUY THERE. If you are unhappy with all the dangerous pesticides, hormones, chemicals, and dangerous unstable genetics in your food, DON'T BUY IT, go organic.

The beauty of a free market is that each and every one of us has a vote in this, and your VOTE IS WITH YOUR WALLET!

I do hope more of you will become aware and involved in the fight against government intrusion of our daily lives and the corporate takeover of our country. Thank you for listening.

In peace and love my fellow countrymen.
God speed.


New Member
If they would bring the maufacturing back to the US, we wouldn't have to worry about poisoned toys. Instead of punishing the law abiding through expensive testing, lets bring those jobs back here. It is giong to be really crippling for those aforementioned second hand shops. How are they going to afford that, are they getting a bailout? Doubt it........

I worry about medicines, none of them are made in the US anymore, what's in them that we don't know about yet?


Well-Known Member
Contrary to belief, the research shows that even toys manufactured in the U.S. were found to have lead.. Of the over 1200 top toys tested this past Christmas only 17 of them were made in the U.S. (just that alone should scare people, our section of the toy market is so tiny!) Out of the 17 toys tested from the U.S. a whooping 35% of them had detectable levels of lead!!

Only an informed consumer base can fix these problems.. want manufacturing in the U.S. again? DON'T BUY CRAP MADE IN CHINA. LOL..

I hear ya miss.. I don't touch meds, can't even get me to take an asprin. I don't trust those bastards one bit.. LOL.


New Member
Contrary to belief, the research shows that even toys manufactured in the U.S. were found to have lead.. Of the over 1200 top toys tested this past Christmas only 17 of them were made in the U.S. (just that alone should scare people, our section of the toy market is so tiny!) Out of the 17 toys tested from the U.S. a whooping 35% of them had detectable levels of lead!!

Only an informed consumer base can fix these problems.. want manufacturing in the U.S. again? DON'T BUY CRAP MADE IN CHINA. LOL..

I hear ya miss.. I don't touch meds, can't even get me to take an asprin. I don't trust those bastards one bit.. LOL.
Probably when you get old, if you do, you'll have to take meds. I worry less about my meds than many other things out there, Like the crap they are spraying in our skies, they were at it yesterday here in Vegas, criss-crossing lines if chem-trails. The commercial airlines have an in and out pattern above vegas and none of these trails were those. Next time I see them, I'm going for my Binoculars and try and see if there are any markings on the planes


Well-Known Member
Probably when you get old, if you do, you'll have to take meds. I worry less about my meds than many other things out there, Like the crap they are spraying in our skies, they were at it yesterday here in Vegas, criss-crossing lines if chem-trails. The commercial airlines have an in and out pattern above vegas and none of these trails were those. Next time I see them, I'm going for my Binoculars and try and see if there are any markings on the planes
And parinoia sets in! Those are called vapor trails. Most likely caused by high level commercial jets. Commercial routes are all criss-crossed. Just because they didn't land in Vegas doesn't make it some government plot.

Air flowing over a planes wing is compressed, compressed air in cold conditions (ie: high alttitude) creates vapor trails.

I've even seen this coming off the rear wings of Indy cars, @ the first practice of the morning, when air temps are still cool.

I'm not one to tell someone to stop or slow down on their smoking, but seriously, if you really belive what you posted.......................


Well-Known Member
We will sell illegally before that happens! You hear me?!

Just wanted to rant..

Ok, I guess I should start from the beginning, because there are so many who live in some little fake bubble of reality and have little care for what goes on in the REAL world. There's a good chance some people will not know what I'm talking about.

Last August Congress passed a bill called the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, it's aim was to fix the lead problem in toys.

(God, I'm hoping most of you know about that problem. A study of over 1200 of the most popular toys this past Christmas were tested, 1 in 3 of those toys tested contained toxic levels of lead! Certainly one of the many reasons that led to the decision in my household for NO PLASTIC and NO CHARACTER toys)

Anyways, in Congress' fumbling attempt to 'fix' the lead problem with children products they decided that ALL PRODUCTS marketed for children under 12 be required to be tested by an independent institution for lead content and Phthalates. (Yes, clothing included) Sounds dandy doesn't it? Passed with flying colors (surprise surprise, Mattel and Walmart were huge lobbyists to get it passed!) Now let's stop and think about this.

Huge toy manufacturers can easily shell out the $4,000 lab fees for every type of new toy and clothing product they produce. The little guy CANNOT. While the Gap and Walmart can easily shell out $4,000 lab fees to get each type of clothing they make tested, a stay at home mother like myself certainly CANNOT. Evermore reaching, this bill would also effect thrift stores and second hand shops- they certainly CANNOT test each product to check for lead and Phthalate content. This law goes into effect Feb. 10th..

While I'm happy to see that they are going to vote on adding exemptions such as for clothing and toys made from all natural materials (cotton, wood, plant extract paints and dyes, beeswax wood polish, etc.) too bad the vote for exemptions will not occur until AFTER the Feb. 10th implementation of the law. Though whether they will begin policing for those in violation of the law right away is another matter.

Most of all I am extremely upset at the constant government invasion into my life! There are reasons that our founders fought for free market capitalism, I am extremely tired of hearing about how our economic problems are because of deregulation! And that everything will be so much better when we have laws to govern every single possible aspect of our whole economy. Acting as if we have anything comparable to a free market in this country anymore in the first place! HA!

The issue is that the only way free market capitalism works is by an INFORMED CONSUMER!! If you don't want your children exposed to lead in their toys, do the damn research and don't buy from the companies that put such harmful toxins in our little one's play things! If you are unhappy with the loss of jobs in this country and the outsourcing of all our manufacturing, don't support these products, buy things made IN THE U.S. If you are unhappy with how certain stores take advantage of their workers, DON'T BUY THERE. If you are unhappy with all the dangerous pesticides, hormones, chemicals, and dangerous unstable genetics in your food, DON'T BUY IT, go organic.

The beauty of a free market is that each and every one of us has a vote in this, and your VOTE IS WITH YOUR WALLET!

I do hope more of you will become aware and involved in the fight against government intrusion of our daily lives and the corporate takeover of our country. Thank you for listening.

In peace and love my fellow countrymen.
God speed.
From what I understand even Coffee is a carcinogenic (something about conducting the testing on quickly multiplying bacteria.)

So, after learning that I figured that it's easier not to worry over much.

As far as your statements about making more toys/consumer goods at home. I can only agree. It would be a quick way to slash the trade deficit. Of course, government would have to make up the lost tax revenues some how, and it'd probably opt for having the missing taxes added onto our income.

The curse of this country is the income tax system...

Though I think if it meant slightly higher taxes no trade deficit or a trade surplus would be worth the trade off.


Well-Known Member
There's still people denying the chemtrails? LOL. wow, guess I've been away too long.. I thought after China admitted in all the mainstream media outlets to using them to alter the weather for the Olympics this past summer that that argument was pretty much dead..

There certainly are many MANY things that are toxic and harmful to us in this modern world. And it's damn near impossible to avoid them all.. but from my standpoint as a mother- what use is any of this information if we're unwilling to apply some of it to improve our lives. I am certainly not perfect, and always learning- but I strive to do the best I can for my life and my family's.


New Member
They've decided that second hand shops do not need to do the testing. For once public outcry actually worked.

I hate scented products. Scented products are allowed to contain chemicals that are on the EPA hazardous waste list. When people douse themselves in their favorite scent, they are covering themselves with carcinogens and they aren't even aware of it. The FDA does NOT regulate the chemicals that go into perfumes, colognes, or other scented products. Trade secret laws are apparently more important that peoples lives.

Personally I think if people can't smoke inside a business, they shouldn't be allowed to wear their scented products either. Scented products are sneaky killers, people never look at them as suspect.


Well-Known Member
The proposed exceptions to the law haven't been voted on yet.. they won't be until after Feb. 10th, which is when the law goes into effect. Like I said before though, they probably won't start policing on the new law until after the added exceptions are voted on..

Yeah, those chemical scents are nasty.. since it's not 'ingested' the FDA doesn't need to regulate it.. ECK! Enters the system thru the nose and is absorbed by the body.. think of all those ladies who slather themselves in all that spray purfume then slather tons of lotions with all those chemical scents in them all over their body.. just to get absorbed.. ECK!


New Member
We have allergies to perfumes, yesterday at a doctors office, we had to go sit in the car and have them call on the phone when it was our turn. What a crock of shit.

Can't go to school, get a job, go to the doctors, go to the movies, can't go anywhere that is inside.

I sniff people at my front door, if you are smelly, you are denied entrance. Hate to have to be that way, but no one is violating my safety zone.


Well-Known Member
LOL.."no one is violating my safety zone".. LOL I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh, it's just funny because I can see the problem.. We were at Hobby Lobby the other day and I nearly started throwing up after passing this one couple. My goodness!! The both of them.. ack. Here I thought cigg smoke made me really sick when pregnant.. the cloud of perfume around them was worse! LOL.

Has to make you wonder though.. we've evolved over a long period of time just like other animals to communicate a lot of things through smell.. what other unintended consequences are there to all this masking and changing of scents? There's a lot of amazing studies out there on those types of questions..

But then again.. in our society the prevailing attitude is "who cares.. who's on American Idol?"


New Member
It's funny you say that about masking our scents. Being free of scented products, my daughter seems to have an amazing hold on young men. They meet her and instantly fall for her. I think it's because without all those chemical scents in the way, her pheremones get through better.


Well-Known Member
LOL.. I agree with you Miss.. I def. agree. My man agrees as well.. it still strikes me as a little odd sometime, I'll catch him smelling me. LOL.. he always replies something along the line of "What?! I'm sorry, your smell just really turns me on". LOL.

There were these studies I was reading through a while ago about how we pick our mates by scent, and that when we're pregnant our preference for different scents in the men we seek out changes. Naturally we are attracted to partners who have different natural immunities when we are able to have children, just amazing if you think about it- we're naturally drawn to those we would have the healthiest offspring with by scent alone. The thing is, it switches to driving us to be around men with similar immunities when we are with child- the theory is that this happened through evolution because a woman would want to be around males related to her during pregnancy for protection and support. The study stumbled upon the fact that while on the pill, women's scent preference switched also as if they were pregnant.. makes you wonder how that may be playing into divorce rates as well..

Just amazing shit not a lot of people think about.. LOL.


Well-Known Member
And parinoia sets in! Those are called vapor trails. Most likely caused by high level commercial jets. Commercial routes are all criss-crossed. Just because they didn't land in Vegas doesn't make it some government plot.

Air flowing over a planes wing is compressed, compressed air in cold conditions (ie: high alttitude) creates vapor trails.

I've even seen this coming off the rear wings of Indy cars, @ the first practice of the morning, when air temps are still cool.

I'm not one to tell someone to stop or slow down on their smoking, but seriously, if you really belive what you posted.......................

i guess this guy just forgot something? IMG_0545.jpg IMG_0548.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the Chinese seeded some clouds, Doesn't mean that we are being assaulted by air. You guys, really. The economy is going to SHIT, we are in a meaningless war. and you're worried about being sprayed by our own people. These things are most likely put out there to take the focus off the real problems. Hummmmm, nobody was singing End of the world, before, why all of a sudden now? Think people, put the bong down for a minute, and think. If there was a conspiricy of this magnatude, there would be NO way to contain it.
FDD, bro, seriously, planes turn around all the time, hell, that looks exactly like Orange County, Ca's, John Wayne Interational flight path, they fly inland from the ocean, straight up freeway 55, then do a 180' just like that to come back to the airport. Flightpaths change daily, due to several factors, wind, weather, even the amount of airtraffic...........


New Member
Any way the government can screw you they will screw you. Maybe they're spraying shit to keep us docile, that's why we haven't all revolted yet.

Wouldn't it be a kicker if they were using come kind of THC spray to control people? Made from the weed they bust people with........


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the Chinese seeded some clouds, Doesn't mean that we are being assaulted by air. You guys, really. The economy is going to SHIT, we are in a meaningless war. and you're worried about being sprayed by our own people. These things are most likely put out there to take the focus off the real problems. Hummmmm, nobody was singing End of the world, before, why all of a sudden now? Think people, put the bong down for a minute, and think. If there was a conspiricy of this magnatude, there would be NO way to contain it.
FDD, bro, seriously, planes turn around all the time, hell, that looks exactly like Orange County, Ca's, John Wayne Interational flight path, they fly inland from the ocean, straight up freeway 55, then do a 180' just like that to come back to the airport. Flightpaths change daily, due to several factors, wind, weather, even the amount of airtraffic...........
i have never seen anything like this. i'm not near an airport that this plane would land at. he came from the north. there is nothing that way but Oregon. then he just flips a bitch? i'm not buying it. ;-)