Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics


Active Member
hopefully they dont come around here. i had a pretty big spider mite problem indoors but have been fortunate enough not to run into any outdoor pests. i just loaded my garden with lady bugs and they seem to handle everything for me just fine


Active Member
to the topic OP Poster, are the red hairs in the photo symptoms?
Some of my buds have long pink hairs but no eggs or anything.

first timer by the way, assuming red hairs are good?
I used the BT on my big girls that were under attack last week and i have not seen anymore damage or bud worms (thank God) Things are nasty! I have another grow site that until yeterday i was using this 3 in 1 organic spray . But after what i saw yesterday , I sprayed the shit out of all 9 females with BT. I had to clip a whole bud off and when i got back here to go through it , i found 16 tiny hatchlings getting high off my shit. They were introduced to the fire ants.
i the last time i grew outdoors through away almost a pnd due to those bastards.
I have been spraying them with stuff i have but i am going to 77 hydro neck week and picking up stuff just for catapillars. just saw a very very small one tonight and started freaking out. I sprayed the shit out of all my plants.


heard to mix and then strain chewing tobacco with water to make a "tobacco tea", and spray that on the plant to kill caterpillars.

Has anybody done this? and Will this work?


Well-Known Member
OK, the best way to deal with bud worms(caterpillars) is with Bt. Bacillus thurengiensis. Caterpillar Killer is what its called. Easily available for about $12. Sold anywhere that sells tomato plants. (It kills tomato horn worms, and pretty much all caterpillars, so use it sparingly. Butterflies are important.)

EVERYTHING else is less effective, if you figure in toxicity to US.


Active Member
Hey VG, just wanted to catch up with you on the subject. I harvested my six plants and as I harvested the budworms got worse, because I started harvest about 2 weeks after the last BT (didn't wanna push it) and finished 4 or so weeks after because of the different strains. Bottom line is that I got bigger and bigger worms as I went, which tells me the BT wiped them out, but the hundreds of moths/butterflies that we used to LOVE dropped fresh ones. I think they also dropped lots of eggs that were on the buds when I harvested, because as the buds dried, tiny worms would drop from the buds as they hung in the closet, on little lines of silk. They are about 3 mm long and easy to kill because they just hang there. My theory is that they only like live plant material and they are programmed to attach a line and bungee jump to another branch if they find themselves in a bad place to eat. Good news for me, because I only lost a few buds and I lost NOTHING during drying. But I killed a LOT of worms. Next time, BT every 3 weeks MINIMUM from the start outside. Don't know if you saw my pictures a few weeks back in the thread, but I got some good shots of the actual worms going at it.



Active Member
I harvested my buds today and I found a bunch of worms inside, any chance of getting rid of them without hand picking them?


Well-Known Member
Kind of random question, does anyone smoke the bud worms? Yes smoke. A lady friend of mine mentioned this to me, All I did was look at her with a confused look. This is the first time hearing this sort of thing. Sound gross acually.
Anyone do this?



Well-Known Member
Kind of random question, does anyone smoke the bud worms? Yes smoke. A lady friend of mine mentioned this to me, All I did was look at her with a confused look. This is the first time hearing this sort of thing. Sound gross acually.
Anyone do this?

Don't do it. Bad taste and a waste of time.