Active Member
I had these this year with my out door garden it killed like half of my buds they are really gross what is the best way to prevent them ? any one know ?
I recommend Conserve SC used at a 6oz/100gal. dilution
WOW! That stuff is expensive at $150/quart although you wont be using very much for each application.
I think I would dry those worms out and crush em up into a bowl and puff away.
Praying Mantis solves this NP. They hatch in late July but mature and feed at the end of August when buds are blooming. We've had them established in our yard for 15 years plus. Very cool looking but also killers when it comes to plant parasites. You can buy them but it wouldn't help until next year. I have seen at least 5 sitting on my plants at any one time ready to eat anything that dares to touch my babies. You also don't have to flush after spraying lol.
wow!!! where can you get praying matis at? thats a great idea!