Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

I had these this year with my out door garden it killed like half of my buds they are really gross what is the best way to prevent them ? any one know ?

I recommend Conserve SC used at a 6oz/100gal. dilution
the active bacteria in conserve is spinosad. It will remain active on plant tissue for about 2 weeks. The things that break it down are sunlight and water. Applying with a spreader sticker helps it last to full potential. NOTE: it is only effective against caterpillers when they are in the early instars. It will kill on contact and is used on and around ebible plants. I would hit your plants as soon as the buggers show up. There are usually two rounds in which the caterpillers get you. The first is a bud break (usually before most growers transplant outdoors) and the second 3-4 weeks later. In New England we are getting lit up by a new invasive species called the Winter Moth. They will start chomping on maple leaves before they pop out of the buds. In addition, we get the forest tent, eastern tent, gypsy moth, and sawflies. Two treatments, a month away from each other early in the season will take care of your problems. Too bad pesticides suck balls. For someone who is an organic nerd, I have way too much experience with this stuff...
I am in the Phoenix Arizona area and plan to plant a few plants in my back yard. How early in the season can I plant them outdoors in the ground? I have two outdoor plants just popping up now and was wandering if this is too early or? Thanks.
hahaha its funny because I've smoked caterpillar before. My friends and I were being retards at the smoking corner at our school so we decided to burn and torture some falltime caterpillars cuz there were so many of em out. So we killed a couple and then we decided to make a smoke torture chamber suffocating device for shits and giggles lol I know were sick kids. After that hilarious shit we rolled a couple dead ones up into some of my homework and another kid there said hed pay whoever took a puff on the caterpillar joint 10 dollars so I said hell yea I'll be a freak if it will get me a 20 bag (I already had ten bucks and i can be quite the fiend as ive been getting high for so long) So it took a zippo to the end plus two bics to get the fucker lit lol dont ask me why it takes caterpillars so long to catch and burn. I took a disgusting puff of what tasted like a mix of burnt hair, paper, butane and some other unknown but equally disgusting taste that i believe was probably some part of the caterpillar. Now that im telling this story it all seems really gross and stupid but it was funny at the time, us kids do stupid shit
The funniest part is we all passed it around just to get the kid to cough up all his beans and then we tossed all that money down for a fat sack. HAHA gotta love it
Praying Mantis solves this NP. They hatch in late July but mature and feed at the end of August when buds are blooming. We've had them established in our yard for 15 years plus. Very cool looking but also killers when it comes to plant parasites. You can buy them but it wouldn't help until next year. I have seen at least 5 sitting on my plants at any one time ready to eat anything that dares to touch my babies. You also don't have to flush after spraying lol.

Lol, you got an army of praying mantis's protecting your crop, that's just fuckin cool.

Sorry, I'm a bit of a nerd:)
Im not really sure about what ur saying but if Canada wouldnt have to worry about it what are the chances of Maine not having to worry about it??