Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

Of course my buds will have bacteria on it, and Bt is a strain of bacteria. The difference is the number of bacteria cells present. I feel that it is unhealthy to inhale in such large numbers, and while cleaning with water probably would remove it sufficiently it would also remove trichomes and terpenes from them. I've done your exact process before and moved on because I don't like to wash them, but to each their own. How to do wash them exactly? Are you just spraying them with clean water?

Clean water from the tap. Pretty much like a medium to heavy rain. I stop spraying and washing when the buds are dense enough to hold water. Around here about the time dew begins to form in the mornings. I REALLY doubt that Bt is present in a heavier concentration than other bacteria. I don't think it adds to the total numbers of bacteria at all. I do use a product that actually feeds leaf surface bacteria which are crucial to some plant processes.(Cytozyme Foliar). I've been using that product for about 25 years. Ever look up how many bacteria live in your lungs? Yes, the products of oxidation aren't a good thing to inhale.(About 3/4 of my consumption is edibles.) Do you use foliar sprays of any kind? I do. Frequently. My normal foliar spray contains Bt, Cytozyme Foliar, fish emulsion, seaweed emulsion, Superthrive, small amounts of soluble NPK, and epsom salts. This mix has proven itself to me over three decades. On top of that, many people who have sampled my herb appreciate its lack of a 'bite'. It just doesn't force a cough, yet I'll put it up against anything else out there. This is my 47th year burning the precious herb. Several of my friends have smoked as long. They all have gone to clubs to sample their wares. I've never had one tell me my outdoor/greenhouse herb doesn't match or exceed the club's 'top shelf' for flavor and potency. Not to be pissy, but my experience predates nearly all the products and hype available today.

The oldest grow book I own is "Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Marijuana" by C. Castle. It was published in 1973. 28 pages of mostly misinformation, but it was a start. I purchased it in Portland Oregon in 1975 in a head shop, when pot was almost legal there. I still have my first bong that I purchased there at the same time. A "Triple Bubble" ceramic bong that we still use, occasionally.

Sorry. TMI. Sometimes I can't believe how time flies.

I started using this company's products after a friend introduced me to the head biologist at Cytozyme labs. My friend had told him about my gardening efforts. He really liked what I was doing and shipped me a selection of their products to experiment with. The results demonstrated clearly that these products WORK. Cytozyme has concentrated on agriculture around the world with proven success. They suffered in the early years of the company due to a poorly trained sales staff that were overzealous in their claims, but have since proven repeatedly that, applied in the correct amounts, they will pay for themselves many times in increased yields.

Nowadays, there are MANY(high priced) products that mimic Cytozyme's results.
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Believe what you like. I've done my research. Can you say there are NO bacteria on/in your buds? Bacteria more toxic than Bt? Did you read my post? I wash my girls a couple times a week to remove foreign materials. Bug feces and the like. I foliar spray about twice a month throughout vegging. Most indoor grows accumulate a lot of things on leaf surfaces and buds. If your outdoor grow is perfectly sterile, I'd like to know how you do it. Enjoy your weed. I'll enjoy mine.
blooming now my buddy gave them to me 3 weeks ago, i put some bloom booster yesterday n water once a day this is my first grow, the flowering looks purple n pinkish when u think it will rapidly grow dont seem like its growing fast hmmmm????


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still in veg mode here in sunny southern calif. just got my BT cant find any info on how often to spray? any thoghts from the chosen few?
For sure remove your damaged buds. Last year was a horrible year for me and was my first time having issues with the pesky budbusters. I have to gorilla grow my shit tho. But what I found out is that the damaged shit I didnt remove just kept spreading throughout the plant. Thats a good reason to cut out what you can see, however, there could also be larva that you cant see and then a week or two from removing the damaged bud you begin to notice the damaging effect again from the budbusters. Wherever your location is you are about 4-5 weeks ahead of me, cheers! Plants look good and my guess on what some genetics would be is a berry bomb or something that resembles. Hard to tell with so many mixed genetics out there. Here is a gorilla grown blue cheese with no problems, so far! fingers crossed


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After some research neem oil seems to be the best bet, it kills caterpillars and the larvae pretty much instantly at full strength and can be used up until about 2 weeks before harvest.

It should be extremely diluted although I do not know the exact measurements, I am sure Google will find the answer if you want it.
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After some research neem oil seems to be the best bet, it kills caterpillars and the larvae pretty much instantly at full strength and can be used up until about 2 weeks before harvest.

It should be extremely diluted although I do not know the exact measurements, I am sure Google will find the answer if you want it.

I prefer Bt. Organic and very effective. It will kill worms weeks after application.
If I get budworm this year I will scream. there isn't enough of me to deal with it this year. thus the tulle. I know it isn't perfect but I'm hoping if I can keep the moths and butterflies out then I reduce the caterpillars.
I ended up using a nylon screen called ultravue. The fabric I was using was very weak and ripped all the time. Expensive but very durable.
I spray spinosad, and fingers crossed still but no signs of caters, maybe one or two babies once, but im attributing that to keeping them off.[/ATTACH] IMG_3502.jpg IMG_3510.JPG IMG_3499.jpg IMG_3508.jpg


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I've been using BT, and Neem together emulsified with silica blast.
I've got spiders, ants, and little brown mantis patrolling my plants too. I've never seen mantis around here up until now.
Chowing down on your buds at this very moment. At least their chowing down on mine. I hit them with some with some BT this evening.

I have a question or two for those who have used BT in the past. Does it effect the quality of the weed. (Taste, Buzz....) And is it really safe for smoking. How long do you have to wait after spraying before you harvest. I've been using BT on my garden for decades without any problems but I always wash the food I grow before I eat it. But I'd have to be crazy to wash my weed before smoking it. Though I could give it a little spray down a few days before harvest. Any suggestions?

Here's some pics of my two plants progress. You can see the damage done to one of the buds and one of our crawly little pests.

If anyone has any idea of the strains I'm growing I'd sure like to know.

Wow...those worms are TINY...
Btw, your 2nd to last picture...AMAZING!
,E="CrazyChester, post: 1300361, member: 17574"]Chowing down on your buds at this very moment. At least their chowing down on mine. I hit them with some with some BT this evening.

I have a question or two for those who have used BT in the past. Does it effect the quality of the weed. (Taste, Buzz....) And is it really safe for smoking. How long do you have to wait after spraying before you harvest. I've been using BT on my garden for decades without any problems but I always wash the food I grow before I eat it. But I'd have to be crazy to wash my weed before smoking it. Though I could give it a little spray down a few days before harvest. Any suggestions?

Here's some pics of my two plants progress. You can see the damage done to one of the buds and one of our crawly little pests.

If anyone has any idea of the strains I'm growing I'd sure like to know.[/QUOTE]
Hello, just wondered what BT is.My son grew here a few yrard ago and worms ruined 1/2 of his buds.judtE="CrazyChester, post: 1300361, member: 17574"]Chowing down on your buds at this very moment. At least their chowing down on mine. I hit them with some with some BT this evening.

I have a question or two for those who have used BT in the past. Does it effect the quality of the weed. (Taste, Buzz....) And is it really safe for smoking. How long do you have to wait after spraying before you harvest. I've been using BT on my garden for decades without any problems but I always wash the food I grow before I eat it. But I'd have to be crazy to wash my weed before smoking it. Though I could give it a little spray down a few days before harvest. Any suggestions?

Here's some pics of my two plants progress. You can see the damage done to one of the buds and one of our crawly little pests.

If anyone has any idea of the strains I'm growing I'd sure like to know.[/QUOTE]
i've been using Bt for about thirty years. I've used it on weed a majority of that. The bacteria is very effective, even after washing the plants down(without a lot of pressure). Bt is usually suspended in a maple syrup mixture. The sugar washes away quickly while sufficient individual bacteria remain to kill off the worms. I'd be dead if it was toxic to humans. I've always washed my plants off once a week until a month before harvest. Birds, spiders and insects live in my garden, along with dust blown in on windy days. I believe the mildness of the smoke is worth the effort. I wait two or three days after application before rinsing the plants off.
Any experienced aussie growers with product suggestions for me to combat this problem with? I had heaps of the little green fkers last season and I was devo! They made me nervous and along with the early wet season I ended up pulling my beautiful girl early and fked my whole season up totally. I really don't want that to happen again this season......