Yay For My First Journal! Just A Little Outdoor Growing.


Active Member
Hey Everyone,
Well, this is my first RIU journal and my first outdoor grow, as well. The grow area I chose is about 50 yards or so from a river, so I knew watering wouldn't be a problem, and the moisture control seems to be great because the soil has a lot of sand in it, as I'm located near one of the great lakes.

I've currently got three plants out--all three being bagseed. I will, however, be throwing in some chronic, I'm just not sure what yet.

Also, I've been getting a lot of critters on my plants and leaf damage. I assume Neem would be the best choice for pest control. Does anyone have outdoor experience with Neem? Any comments would be appreciated.

Here are the pics. The plants are about 5 weeks old or so and around 3' tall. I started them from seed indoors and transplanted after about 3 weeks. Last time I went out there, it appeared that mother nature had topped one of my babies. You'll see that in the pics.

Alright, I guess that's it for my first post. Questions? Comments? Concerns? How are my babies lookin'?




Active Member
how windy does it get? might want to stake them.they seem to be lengthy did you start them under florescent? theres gonna be alot of bugs out there! what are you using for bug spray and how often are you applying it? what was your light cycle indoors? or have they been outside their hole lives?


Active Member
how windy does it get? might want to stake them.they seem to be lengthy did you start them under florescent? theres gonna be alot of bugs out there! what are you using for bug spray and how often are you applying it? what was your light cycle indoors? or have they been outside their hole lives?
The most wind it gets is a nice breeze. I grew them indoor for a couple weeks on 18/6 and then transplanted them. The internode spacing was really tight at the bottom, but once it went outdoors, the spacing shot up, and ended up plucking off a lot of the bottom growth, because it was too close to the ground.

I'm not sure just yet what I'm going to use as pesticide. I've actually haven't had to deal with it.



Active Member
Hmm, it's been quite a while since I've checked in, but better late than never, right?

Well, in early to mid August, when they started flowering, I found out two of them had dicks, leaving me one female. Ha, the males were so far developed that when I ripped one of them out I just saw a cloud of smokey-pollen billow out of the top of the stalk, but, luckily, the plants were separated quite well and it looks like, at the most, I'll get a couple seeds here and there, maybe none.

As for the female (she was the one that got mysteriously topped in my first post), she looks pretty good; not a lot of bud right now, but its doing great for bagseed. Quite skunky and very decent trichome production. The plant is probably around 6' high, but internodal growth is pretty nonexistent under about 2 1/2'. Most of the branching went to shit down there due to the damn river pests, but the soap wash I used definitely fixed the problem, maybe just a little too late. Another mistake I made was my planting position; while the soil and water-retention were great, I didn't take into account how full all of the foliage would be surrounding the plants later in the year, and thus, the plants grew very lanky until they got to a certain height. But hey, I guess I'll know what to fix for next year.

I went out there yesterday and gave her some bloom nutes and got a few pics on my phone (sorry about the quality).

All in all, it looks like the plant will do O.K., and I'll be doin' O.K. once she's done.

Until the next time...
