Yay, first grow!


Active Member
Hiiiiiiiiigh there! This is my first time growing pretty much *any* type of plant from a seed so bear that in mind :)

My old thread is here https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/640053-i-think-one-my-baby.html

Here is the plant now. It's about a month and a half old and has really been through the ringer, hence the size hehe. It was a bagseed of Blue Dream.



Active Member
well apparently you can't edit the OP :/ sorry the one picture is sideways!

that damn bug is new. never seen one like it before until today! i'm gonna spray the leaves, etc with watered down neem oil to keep future pests from invading.

right now we just have it under two of 4200 lumen CFLs in a closet (box pictured below). we have an oscillating, stand-up fan as well; both lights and fan are on 24/7 right now.

here is our lil baby again, just took these since my other pictures are terrible hehe.




Active Member
not feeding it anything yet. we're going out of town for five days next week and didn't want to start it on nutes since we won't be around to manage it. :/ we also don't have anyone to take care of it either, so i'm a nervous mama leaving it alone for five days!


Well-Known Member
nice, the 1st pics made it look shorter to me. the dark green looks borderline N overdose. those bulbs are nice too. happy growing :)


Active Member
no nutes yet! just tap water and (dont judge) miracle grow seed starter mix

eta: we're planning on soaking that hoe and leaving it be till we get back... i could probably have my dad (lol) come and water it one day if y'all think it would be too dry after five days, even with soaking it first.
i really appreciate the feedback!


New Member
Unless you added perlite, MG soil holds water long unless the plant drinks it. So you should be okay as long as its only 5 days and you water once you get back


Well-Known Member
Looks great. You may want to consider a FIM or topping before you go, since that will slow growth while it heals.

I had to go out on back to back 4 day trips during my current veg and just did some training before I left each time to slow things down a bit :)
Plant looks pretty good..hit it with neem oil..no need to be shy with the oil either..like 2-3 tblspoons per half gallon..and hit it with azamax as well..and for watering, if you are going to be gone for a few days..the last 2 days..hit it hard...so water it the day before and the day that you are leaving with normal feed..so probably a cup or so..good luck with that sativa..try a indica plant next its a lot better in my opinion..


Active Member
I've seen pictures of blue dream before and thought I noticed a trend of dark leaves but... Wasn't sure. :) sweet!

Thank you all so much!!
And cuzzlightyear sorry on my phone/can't do quotes but perfect timing on the neem oil ratio! I was wondering about that.

I'm scared to top it!!! My baby! Lol


Well-Known Member
Shes lookimg good to me. Nice job for a first grow. Im also using MG seedling starter mix buy I added perlite. I love it so far. As far as topping or fimming goes, if u want more bud then do some research and try one. Happy growing & im sticking around to see ur progress.