Yay, first grow!


Well-Known Member
ya i could. but only gonna be growing @ this property for a yr or 2 and gonna get an acre or 2 elsewhere. thats when im gonna build my green house. like 12x12 lol hollaaaa


Active Member
ewwwwwwwww did you swallow or spit? lol
bahahah i spit it back in the bong and ran over to the kitchen sink and rinsed out. LOL. it was terrible!!! especially bc i'd just taken a big hit and was thirsty and i got slightly confused for half a second cause my initial reaction was "delicious ice water! excellent!" gahhhh. thank GOD we clean out the bong water every bowl, LOL.

damn babies getting her swell on. ur house prolly smells dank when you move her around. shit in my past outdoor grows with 1-3 plants
@ flower time u can usually smell it in my driveway. shit with my 10 this yr prolly gonna smell up my block. idk what im gonna do cant carbon filter my yard lol
yeah i move the three flowering plants to the dark room in the morning, often when my boo is still in bed, and then when i come back to bed he's like "mm you smell like weed..." hahaha. we have a can air filter in the tent so the house doesn't smell buttttttttttt when they come out of the dark room (guest bathroom, lolz) it smells HELLA dank in there. we leave the bathroom fan on while they're in there so it's not permanently stanky. haha

i bought a jeweler's loop today. gonna start checkin trichs tonight! :shock:


Well-Known Member
i used to move plants back n forth until i forgot one day, im too lazy for that shit. timers are awesome, put all ur cfls on a timer in the bathroom til you get up lol


Active Member
oh i wish. the stuff in veg is on 18/6 on a timer and they stay in the tent. the three in flower are 12/12 and in the tent at night and in the bathroom during the day. we're actually fixin to switch them all over to 12/12 in the tent starting prob next week bc they're getting fuckin huge lol. the one more mature LSD i topped is turning into a damn monster and in like... less than 36 hours started to take the shape of her corner in the tent. :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:
we were super baked staring in there last night and we were like d00000000000000d...... they're getting huge...... LOL :eyesmoke:


Active Member
we had a 600w mh in there for like 2 weeks, max, then my boo changed it to the 600w hps in there now. they kinda tripped out a bit, especially after they came indoors permanently, but they're really happy in there now.


Well-Known Member
nice 600 is great! im about to rig mine up vertically :hump: im excited, i love trying new things! ill peep out your other links shortly see whats going on exactly.


Active Member

i read a few threads/have googled cloudy trichomes etc but i can't tell what to think about these? they look more like 60% cloudy?


Active Member
ooooomg let me upload some pics of the set up!! i've been trying not to double post and i'm a stoner and can't member which pictures i've posted and which i haven't... hahahha.


Well-Known Member
You don't want to check trichs on the sugar leaves, they turn first, check on the calyx.


Well-Known Member
very true. i check 2 or 3 spots on each branch. up on the buds. i try to check spots the light doesnt shine. also 10x loupe...lol coke bottle might be better :P i have all kinds of mag devices lol still looking for the one. right now i use same as you but a dual that has 30 and 60x. check ebay they are 3 dollars shipped. and they work but i want a huge tabletop magnifier lol again, im lazy lol


Active Member
Hahahahah I was born blonde honest to god... Idk why I thought I had to remove it off the plant to look at it... Lol


Well-Known Member
iv done the same thing. fuck holding the plant and trying to steady it. but going under the buds holding onto the fan leaves helps do both at once


Well-Known Member
I got a little usb microscope, I just jam the thing into the buds and I get a 200X view of them :)
