YAY an article about pot thats GOOD

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March 9, 2010

Report: Californians consume 16 million ounces of pot a year

So how much pot do Californians smoke?
According to a recent state Board of Equalization report prepared for the Legislature, it's 16 million ounces a year. That's a little less than one-half an ounce for each resident in California, in case you're counting every man, woman and child.
The analysis was prepared for legislation by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, that seeks to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana for use by California adults 21 and over.

Some other findings:
* California is America's top pot producing state, with an annual yield of 8.6 million pounds of weed valued at $13.8 billion. That's more than one-third of the cultivation across the U.S.
* Legalization of marijuana in California would cause the street price of pot to drop by 50 percent, but prompt 40 percent more Californians to turn to marijuana use. At least, that is, until a state tax kicks in.
* Once Ammiano's plan to impose a $50 per ounce tax is in effect, it would reduce consumption by 11 percent.
To view the BOE document, click here.

from yahoo local news
March 9, 2010

* Legalization of marijuana in California would cause the street price of pot to drop by 50 percent, but prompt 40 percent more Californians to turn to marijuana use.

That number seems a little high. I'd like to see where they got that from.
$50 for an ounce or $50 of taxes added onto ounces?
i read that as a $50 tax per ounce that you buy. so that would have to depend on how much an ounce would be. because if an ounce only cost $50 bucks, and then a $50 tax, its still only $100 for an ounce. if they legalize pot they WILL tax the shit out of it. because they know its a good way to make more money for the gov.

*edit, not saying that we would EVER see a $50 ounce, lol. it was just a number i pulled out of the air as an example hehe
$50.00 per ounce tax x 16 million ounces =
800 million dollars in tax revenue...a nice way to either feed the homeless or pay some bills.