y is this happening(leaves drooping)

:sad:i recently put my plant into flowering (4 days ago) when i went to check on my plants today the leaves were drooping and i dont know y . im doing a cfl hydroponic grow with 8 23 watts cfls. im wondering cold it b too hot ? the temp is between 68- 78 degrees with a fan blowing constantly. im putting some pics of how it looked last night and how it looked today around 5:00 pm. pls help



Well-Known Member
I know you say your growing hydroponically but it seems as if your plant is thirsty! Make sure everything is working properly with your system.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Too much water will make a plant droopy too.

Do yourself a favor also and upgrade to a MH/ HPS system and never look back.


Well-Known Member
Just taking a stab at this....

Drooping can be lots of things, the most likely is over/under watering and under feeding.

Underfeeding causes droop and lime green growth. Doesn't seem to be the case from the pics.

Underwatering seems hard to do in a hydro system. If your doing a flood/drain you could be waiting too long between floods, but you have probably thought of this.

The room temps sound fine. What is the water temp? Is it oxygenated enough? Have the room temps grown since you started to bud? If the water temps have risen as well, it may not be holding enough oxygen. Colder water holds more oxygen and discourages nasty stuff. Water without oxygenation would mimic over watering and cause droop.

Are the roots white and crisp looking, or brown and mushy? Root rot can advance into a plants system and cause drooping, although this takes a while. Algae slime can coat the roots and interfere. I personally would not be comfortable depending on that red plastic lid to block the light. I would cover it with dark cloth, tin foil, trashbags or something.

I would rule out these first.


Well-Known Member
It almost looks like in that second photo that theres a few darker/burned spots on the leaves but the lights look far enough away, IDK i'm just rambling now
thanx for suggestions. while the lights r off the leaves perk up a lil bit . then after the lights have been on for a while they go back to drooping. i see some spots on some leaves. idk whats going on . i moved my light back like 4 mo inches. im thinking of adding another airstone to it. it seems that sine ive added da 4 mo lights to it since theyre flowering now ,it has been a little more humid in there. im just brainstorming right now on what da problem could b . the ph is around 6.0-6.4. im hoping im getting to da bottom of this