Hey cheezy Luis got powdery mildew

I sprayed her with milk and cut a few leaves. She looks ok now

and this was her this morning
Damn !That really sucks Z....
Ive dealt with the fuzz so many times... i can spot that shit a mile away... i did see it on your journal last week....
Personally i have never been able to beat pm once i got it... The last several grows i started to think my grow was unphazable...
Got a lil complacent... and next thing u know its on one of my plants.....After 2 pm free grows...
Never did i have these problems until i started growing clones... especially the ogs and bubbas...
It comes with the territory and is to be expected in these parts...
So the last grow i went in in thinking i could beat it out.... with a healthy veg ... but the stuff just keeps coming back ..
Especially in weeks 2 and 3 in flowering...
That grow i was able to keep it off my buds ... by using various sparays , like peroixide, mlik, neem,copper soap,and special sns product....
But it wont kill it ... more so just removes it temporarelly.... and ultimately itll just leave a filmy residue and take away from the beauty of a plant...and bag appeal...
Im happy u bring this up cause im goin into this grow very caustiously , with pm as my number one enemy ....
What im doing to prevent it is keeping my temps very stable and consistant....
At night when the lights go out, the temp go down dramatically and the humidity spikes..
Unless its a really dry day ,So if it is anywhere above 60%rh (at light off)i will put my heater on and keep it warm ..
This in turn will dropp my humidity dramatically ...
Even on rainy days like yesterday .... even with my light on temps will get cooler and humidity jumps...
So ill kick up the fan and put the heater on...even tho the lights on....and illl never water my plants on humid rainy days...
The thing i notice is that moisture cant survive long in a hot ventillated enviroment....
And that once it gets to humid and cold.. plants cant sweat properly and will mold..
This grow i willl keep this in mind and take allot of macros try to catch it beforehand...to reallly prevent any sickness or infestation..
Your only options at this point is to just try to keep it off the buds with sparys..
Get some Eagle 20,or a sulfer burner, or cut it down...
Lots of people say its beatable .... but i havnt been able to tottally eradicate it...
Except for this one time i put a pm infected clone in the scorching hot sun for 2 weeks.... that always works ...
But its gotta be hot summertime....