Xtreme gardening compost tea brews


Active Member
Just wondering if anyone else has tried these xtreme gardening compost tea brews. You can check xtreme gardening website to see some details and I wont try to hide that I'm a fan of their products. With that said, whether I'm a fanboy or not of this company, I honestly feel that this product may be the most amazing new piece of my arsenal. I've gone with new pots, new medium, new bulbs, and you name it for this recent round of growing. But after giving my plants got a dose of this product I saw a restoration of color, growth, and perkiness never yet seen. I swear my plants responded to this product more than ever imagined, the burst in vibrant growth and health was almost unreal. Curious to see if anyone else has tried this product, because this is now a staple in my weekly schedule for the plants. I swear this may be the most potent and invigorating addition I've ever made to my plants!

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
over priced, granted it may work but you can do the same with the sme money and a little work some of which you do with this product, compost/worm cast/ bat guano teas are the shit, high dollar way it nutrient inoculants like subculture from GH


Active Member
over priced, granted it may work but you can do the same with the sme money and a little work some of which you do with this product, compost/worm cast/ bat guano teas are the shit, high dollar way it nutrient inoculants like subculture from GH
Thanks guys, I will look into GH subcultures as well, never really read up on em. I agree on the price, just paying for convenience on the xtreme gardening product. I really love it, and I think I'm going to be playing around a lot with teas in the future, I'll try making my own as you described! Great stuff for any gardener!


We got these compost teas in shop recently & have seen awesome results! I love the fox farm root drench/microbe brew they have all your beneficials in them & affordable, but have a short 2 year from manufacture shelf life because its in liquid form. I tend to stay away from beneficials already in liquid form but if you have access to fresh merchandise like we do its worth it. I do not like GH & their 35-40 each subcultures! ouch. Way to try to be advanced nutrients! Also im not sure what you guys are paying for the xtreme line but its definatly one of the cheapest out there! we have em at hmoonhydro.com if you wna compare prices