XBox Gamers - Call Of Duty:Black Ops

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
Any X Box Gamers? .. whos gonna get the New. Black ops.. shit looks like its gonna be the shit!![video=youtube;s4xg2rhLsT0][/video]


Well-Known Member
This game is gonna be awesome. You guys see all the new online features?

Think I'm looking forward to Halo Reach more though, haha.


Well-Known Member
its all about bfbc2 or the new medal of honor coming out. im looking forward to that more that cod. i think the battlefield games are so much better than cod. massive maps, better game engine. shit, on cod nothing blows up. on battlefield you can just go crazy and blow the whole map up. so much more realistic and tactical :D you can like be on one side of the map, miles away with a sniper and just pop some heads and no one has a clue :)


Active Member
While the game looks good, it is way too similar to MW2 to be given a different name! I bought MW2 and was pretty dissapointed, too short, multiplayer was cool, but thats a given with an FPS game.
I'm waiting on something a bit more original in the FPS genre, I have been checkin out RAGE, Brink and Bulletstorm these past couple of days, they look very cool.
Oh and recently announced, Duke Nukem Forever!!

EDIT: Wait, is it "Forever"?? I dunno, can't remember right now


Well-Known Member
Yeah this is definintly COD4-3. They cant just reskin the game 3 fucking times. Although i do wanna play it, I will not be buying it for 60 bucks. Fuckk that shit.

^ and yeah duke nukem forever is coming out 2011. I really hope it doesnt suck, But regardless its duke fuggin nukem. lol


Well-Known Member
Moneys not the problem at all. I just think its fucking nuts to pay 60 bucks for a game. I mean back in PS2 days it was what 39.99 for new games, That was reasonable

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
PS2.. dam i aint play that shit in like 4 years now.. thats why i pre order the games i want 2-3 months in advance when i got 20 bucks to burn.. for when i do get it.. i only pay 40.. kinda like


Well-Known Member
While the game looks good, it is way too similar to MW2 to be given a different name! I bought MW2 and was pretty dissapointed, too short, multiplayer was cool, but thats a given with an FPS game.
I'm waiting on something a bit more original in the FPS genre, I have been checkin out RAGE, Brink and Bulletstorm these past couple of days, they look very cool.
Oh and recently announced, Duke Nukem Forever!!

EDIT: Wait, is it "Forever"?? I dunno, can't remember right now
That's my main gripe too. It seems like they are putting too much into the multiplayer and the actual campaign is lacking. Not that I don't like multiplayer, but I get sick of 10 year olds kicking my ass after so long. Half the people cheat anyway.

When you think about it, $60 isn't really that bad in 2010 money. I don't know how old all you guys are, but if you remember, back in the late 80's and early 90's NES and SNES games were around the same price! That probably comes close to $100 in today's money.

Honestly, I prefer the World War II formats. I'm big into WWII history, so anything about the war interests me. It's hard to believe what those people went through back then. It might seem like a shallow way to honor their sacrifice, but I think some kids want to learn more about the war (and history in general) when they play through games like that.