Something else my canuckian friend taught me I'll share with the class. If you spray lysol in the furnace, it will spread throughout the house killing germs and smelling good.
i wouldn't do it if their is a pilot light of sorts.
Something else my canuckian friend taught me I'll share with the class. If you spray lysol in the furnace, it will spread throughout the house killing germs and smelling good.
Lol Are you staying at gecko broke your AC Awesomeno we have something better which what inevitably shorted out my a/c in the first place:
Most furnaces have thermocouples now, no pilots. Lost of gas water heaters have pilots though.i wouldn't do it if their is a pilot light of sorts.
i wouldn't do it if their is a pilot light of sorts.
Just make sure the furnace isn't on HEAT, otherwise you may have a fire.
Would have thought that went without saying, but yeah, better say it.
My Mexican son will be home for Christmas. It will be grand! He would bang you like a cheap weda and you would beg for more. Always more.
Why did you answer the door? You have no duty to answer them or talk to them at all.Just ignore them, if they have something they will get a warrant, otherwise its just them trying to get you to manufacture some more evidence for them. Its what police do, they investigate crimes and arrest criminals, they aren't mandated to do anything else, although they are encouraged to lie and be very demanding and forceful to scare people into giving them evidence or allowing the cops to step all over you after you give them permission of course.
If you didn't have STATUS? what is status?
There is your answer.well you know, he asked me for $ave$ on taxes..i did the owner a favor.
besides..what precisely should i say to the owner in speaking to him about his employee who i invited into my home, reported me.
There is your answer.
You have the owner in violation of a federal crime.
I would definitely be having a chat whit him. In person. In his parking lot if at all possible.
I wouldn't tell him you had a grow going on. But I would ask him if it is important to him if his employees respect the privacy of his customers, to the extent they're not harming anyone.
Obviously if he heard a child locked in the basement we want him to snitch on that.
But growing a plant for your own use?
Then remind him of that favor. Tell him you want a 25% refund for all the bullshit you had to go through or you'll treat his privacy like he treated yours.
Irs audits are a bitch for small businesses, and he is a republican.
Glad I could be of fucking idea.
standing o
so, i found out this week that it was the a/c guy who smelled A+++ in my home.
a business who i contracted and paid CASH, sent over a repairman who snitched because he used to smoke but is now born again who's on some sort of righteous ego trip.
you know, if i didn't have status in my town..i could have easily gone to jail that day.
it could have fucked up my medical license for doing something in my own home, on my own property.
all my schooling in order to make my life better, open my own small business and be self-sufficient, could have been taken away from me in the blink of an eye.
in my own home. my own property. not rented. police state comes to mind.
@sheskunk..proof may not be who you think![]()
so, i found out this week that it was the a/c guy who smelled A+++ in my home.
a business who i contracted and paid CASH, sent over a repairman who snitched because he used to smoke but is now born again who's on some sort of righteous ego trip.
you know, if i didn't have status in my town..i could have easily gone to jail that day.
it could have fucked up my medical license for doing something in my own home, on my own property.
all my schooling in order to make my life better, open my own small business and be self-sufficient, could have been taken away from me in the blink of an eye.
in my own home. my own property. not rented. police state comes to mind.
@sheskunk..proof may not be who you think![]()
This does not belong in the politics section.
This does not belong in the politics section.
yes it does.
it has direct bearing based upon the moral majority in their relentless pursuit of telling everyone how to live ie; rightie
it is indeed a political issue.
It's drama. It's belongs in the dumpster.
nodrama is my friend.
i'd appreciate it if you wouldn't talk about him when he's not around.
nodrama is my friend.
i'd appreciate it if you wouldn't talk about him when he's not around.
I warned you from the beginning that your little grow room idea wasn't going to fly. You didn't listen and now we all have to listen to you whine about it. Maybe next time you'll take my advice.