Wuts the best way to germinate seeds? Just in a wet paper and throw

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Just put them in the wetpaper towel and put them in a dark place? Is there any betters ways?
pretty much what you said, but with warmth. i put mine in the paper towel, put the paper towel in an unsealed sandwich bag (keeps it moist, never seal it), then i stick it on top of my nice warm cable box. back in the day when i had a tower computer i'd stick the seeds on the tower. you can soak them first and this will speed up the process but i had a bad experience with forgetting i had seeds in water and they rotted, so i don't do that any more.

really you could just stick the seed right into dirt, but i prefer knowing what to expect of a seed before i plant. it makes me feel good. 8)


Active Member
shot glass overnight then in jiffy peat coin. marijuana has a hard case like a pea I like to soak it too soften up case


Well-Known Member
as simple as all the others have told you................ its better to keep it this way too ;-)


Well-Known Member
soak them overnight in distilled water, then into paper towels and I put them on top of the cable box or computer in a zip lock bag to keep them nice and warm. After a day on the box or puter they have nice taproots and then into peat pellets and into a humidity dome. After 2-3 days I have nice green sprouts.


Well-Known Member
shot glass overnight then in jiffy peat coin. marijuana has a hard case like a pea I like to soak it too soften up case
+1, leave it in the shot glass with something over it to block out the light. plant it in soil once you see the tap root. root facing down.

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
AAAAAAARRRRGH! I planted my babies upside down! Lol

So after much hassle with rockwool and stuff I turned them the other way and potted another four just in case some don't make it. Oh well if some die at least I'll have some doctor feelgood and snowryder to take its place.

I need this lowryder 2 and easy Ryder to survive though. Only because I'm trying to grow two of every small autofolowering strain to know which is best for the next year.