Wub's Very First Grow.


Active Member
Yeah Man! Looking good! It's gonna be tight in there with all 6 m8.
Couldn't lower that mylar and make it any smoother? ;)
1 more thing,,, I am going to kinda steal your curing area idea... only not for curing.
More of a humidity/temp controlled passive air intake. This will also shrink my growing area (unused space anyways), which will help with the lighting ect ect.
Just thought you would get a kick out of that I was gonna use your idea ;)
You have a big smile on your face every time you look into your box now? ;)
Keep it up m8! watching every day (more like every few hours lol)


Yeah, I didnt realize how everything would sit in the box when I put in the Mylar. I do wish now I had lowered it more. I will probably redo all of it and take my time putting it up on my next grow. I dont want it to look so wrinkled.

Not exactly sure what you mean about the curing/intake. I do not mind anyone stealing any of my ideas. I would be flattered for someone to do so.

I JUST looked in the box before I sat down to check this site and I did have a big smile on my face. The bagseed is getting so big, I hope it's a she just for the sake of being my first "child". I want her to make it all the way to the end.


I do want to ask this again- (copy and pasted from a few posts before)

I was given some free General Hydroponics- Flora Nova One-Part Grow (7-4-10) nutrients and was told I could use this during the Veg stage. Will this be ok if I mix like it suggests on the back and water like youre supposed to? Wasnt sure if it would work since I am doing a soil grow.


Active Member
I do want to ask this again- (copy and pasted from a few posts before)

I was given some free General Hydroponics- Flora Nova One-Part Grow (7-4-10) nutrients and was told I could use this during the Veg stage. Will this be ok if I mix like it suggests on the back and water like youre supposed to? Wasnt sure if it would work since I am doing a soil grow.
(copy and pasted from another site)

I have no experience with FloraNova, but it looks like Grow is actually one part of a two part system: FloraNova Grow and FloraNova Bloom.

The Grow part to be used mainly for the growth stage, the Bloom part for the fruiting and bloom stage. They seem to incorporate the micro nutrients in each of the two parts. I assume somewhere along the line you are expected to switch from using Grow to using Bloom.


Active Member
Free = good ;) Should be good for your vegging fertilizer. Mix it like it says on the back, but, start at a low % mixture and work your way up, slowly.


I finally finished the filter and got it installed. We will know in a month or so how well it works.

I do not have time to take pics of the seedlings, but I am curious- 5 of the six are growing just fine, but one of them seems to be lagging behind in the speed of its growth, though its leaves still look fine and have the same color as the other plants, it;s just very small compared to the others even though they were germinated at the same time (except the bagseed one). Will it catch up or is it just slowly dying and I cant tell yet?


Active Member
maybe just a runt,,, give it extra tlc and see what happens ;)
Pics of the filter and the little ones when you get the free time!


Ok, here are the Seedlings. Ended up naming them. Also, the pic of the filter.

B.O.B. (Big Ole Bud)
Gimpy (because this one had to be splinted as a seedling and now its kind of tilted with a strangely shaped leaf)
Gargantujauna (the littlest one. We are thinking big!)
Tiny (because she is so damned small! This is also the bagseed)
Spider (because yesterday, when I named her, she had 8 leaves exactly)
Yo Mama (because when I take a puff of her, I can say "Yo Mama tastes good.")



Active Member
Hey that filter looks sick man... You got granular carbon on the inside and the carbon pre filter on the outside too, or is that just a black stocking folded perfectly around the end cap? I like the attention to detail bro ;)
Little ones are looking great! The pots look small though,,, they are pretty deep though right?
You going to chuck any pollen, or just toss the males? Maybe in the future we could share seeds ;)
If I get a couple thousand seeds like Kitty suggests, I would be more than willing to toss a few in your direction lol.
Make sure to look at them every day bro, cause in no time they are going to be a lot larger.
In like 3 weeks you wife may think your cheating on her cause you wont be able to get the smile off your face ;).
Can't wait m8! Looking great!


It's granular carbon with just a stocking. I am going to try and make it better when I need to replace the carbon.

The pots are pretty deep. The guy at the hydro store I went to said they will be just fine.

I may keep one male and I think my friend wants a male too, but hopefully I get 6 of 6. haha. I do want some seeds from this Sensi, so it will most likely happen, just not sure where I will grow the male. As for seed sharing, I am ok with it as long as we are not breaking any of the boards rules.


Active Member
Yeah baby! Look at them go! You going to LST them or let them go? Look at the runt lol, shes so cute ;)
Have you began using any nutes yet?


I thought about trying the LST, but just going to wait until they are tall enough for the SCROG screen. I am also not using nutes yet, which brings me to my problem-

I am starting to see brown spots form on my leaves. I am guessing it is nute burn, but the only nutes the plants are exposed to are the nutrients already in the Fox Farm soil and I soaked the coco husks in a very weak veg nutrient. They have been in the soil since the 17th with no problems. Suggestions?

(I will get pics tonight when they wake up)


Here are the pics (Old camera... sucks that my phone has a better camera...)

I guess I should add that I am using Tap water that sits out for a couple of days and I do not check PPM or Acid/Base levels. I do not have any of that equipment.


i think i know you from LZ Wub, its great to see that you are into growing and for that matter doing a fantastic job! your babies look great man. i am growing some NL as well however its an autoflower so yours will probably end up being muuuch bigger. It should finish up flowering within a few weeks. i cant wait to compare our results. subbed and following closely man


I am completely new to the scene, so I am not the person you may think I am. I would love for you to watch my grow, though.

These are not the Northern Lights... yet. I am growing some five Sensei Kush with one bagseed right now. I still have some time to go, though. I still have about 2 weeks of veg and then 6-8 weeks of flowering.
oh, thats too bad i was all stoked haha. i guess its inevitable for people to have the same username. i just read your whole journal and am anxious to see the results. so about 40 days of veg total? also do u know what strain the bagseed is?


Active Member
Veg for as long as you can (I am thinking 45-60 days from seed on my next run (depending on what the screen looks like at 45), and flip the lights when the plants are a little less than half of the size you want them to end up.
If you haven't used ferts yet, then I doubt your issue is related to over fertilization. The plants I had in the 14-14-14 soil did wonderful in the veg stage.
More likely a deficiency if you ask me. You gonna start nutes soon? Start very weak and see the effect it has. I bet it will take care of your very few spots and will be very helpful for the veg process.
I never checked ph or ppm either during my entire grow. Now After the grow I checked and the water I was using is right around 8, and I am sure my ppm was pretty damn high also (700+ straight from the tap, going to use the dehumidifier water next time and see what happens...)
So your going to scrog? Have you made the screens yet?
They look great man, healthy and green.
Looks like I may just sit back and watch you go before I begin my next grow. I am in the beginning stages of purchasing the house I am living in from a family friend, and I don't want to be in full swing if I need contractors or estimators and such coming by the house...
Once the deal is complete though and the house is mine and no one is coming back,,, ;) It will be party time.
May only take a week or two though to get the deal done, but may take a month or two if there are any problems. Wish me luck bro.
Anyways, here they go m8!
Here is a tip. Make sure that when they are in the middle of flower, that it is still easy to water them. At that point (when I could no longer remove them from the box each watering) I found myself having a little difficulty accessing all the plants to water them, sometimes coming close to snapping or breaking something.
I vegged mine for 3 weeks I think from clone, so about 5 weeks total from mother I would guess. And I wished I vegged a little longer too. So you can use that as a slight reference for yours and when to flip.
Checking everyday m8! Looking great!

ps. just got msg from a friend. seeds will be on their way shortly. strain is "fucking incredible"


Active Member
Sooo... ;) How's everything looking? Did you give them a taste of nutes? And if so, did it help?
How high are you going to have the scrog screen above the containers?
Did you manage to make something out of that blower you picked up? If so, is it loud?
How well of air movement do you get from your filter? And have you tested it with anything yet?
like put some really stinky weed in the box and turn on the exhaust fan and see how it smells outside the filter..
Hope all is well. ;)