WTH is going on??


Well-Known Member
Ok all plants are under the same condition. the one in the big middle white pot i fucked up like half the roots and ever since its been kinda fucky. bad transplant :(. its always been kinda tiwsty though, just not this bad. it was my strongest. growing 7's and 9's. can it be thristy because not enough water uptake through roots? should i foliar feed?

the ones on the right, one has some weird shit on a leaf. kinda a green slimey shit.
Pic 2 and the one below. but its not slime, its the actual leaf itself. is it getting too hot? i kinda saw what looked like light bleaching on the wilty one.

the other pictures are just to show their general happyness. but im taking these things as first signs. what are they telling me?

Temps i dont know. most likely between 70F-80F

I use Schultz 20-30-20 fertilizer 1/4 tsp per gallon, and a lawn fert high in N and Iron. no weed killer in it. very low dosage.

they generally look happy but are showing signs of problems...any ideas.


The twsity one and the green slime is what im wondering about. how can i help my babies?? what are they asking me to do??


Well-Known Member
okay i left out information you guys might need.

Lighting: T12-2-40watt

2 26watt CFL side lighting

pH: 6.2-7

Feeding is every other watering at very low dosage.


Well-Known Member
They look fine too me. You may want to up the nutes a bit. Leaves sometimes twist around to catch the light better.


Well-Known Member
They look fine too me. You may want to up the nutes a bit. Leaves sometimes twist around to catch the light better.
kk will up the nutes slightly next feeding.

any idea about that greenish shit? and that wilty one i killed like half root matter during transplant cause i fucked it up...

can it be that its not absorbing enough water to support foliage??

First pic is that green shit on my leaf...pretty weird.

second is the one i fucked up during transplant. i dont want to foliar spray if i dont get expert advice saying so beause i dont want to overwater.

it might just be transplant shock??

thanks for the help.