

Active Member
so i germinated a blue widow and a blue hash for two days and everything was good. I planted them and three days later, nothing. im doing everything the same as all my other plants that ive never had a problem with. WTF. what is the longest it should take? im starting to get pissed because i paid for these. ive got five shwag seeds that just sprouted right up no problem. Ive had these seeds for about a year but i wouldent think that would make a difference. they germinated just fine. am i just shit out of luck or what?


Well-Known Member
I would give them a few more days before I worried. Assuming you didn't deviate from your previously successful method just make sure the soil is moist, plenty of light, and temps in the 70's near the plants. Give it another couple of days.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
some beans are just like that. just because it had a tail when you planted it doesn't mean it's going to grow like crazy. some seeds just take forever. once it has a little root mass and a leaf or two it will take off.


Well-Known Member
I had a couple Aurora Indicas (Nirvana) that germed fine in the paper towels, but after I put them in the dirt, nothing. They never did come up. That's the breaks I guess.