
Higher Education

Well-Known Member
I don't even have a plant yet and I am having problems. This isn't helping my confidence. I germinated a few seeds on a heating pad between some napkins in a plastic container and some in a glass of water until the tap root was about 1/4 inch long. I then planted them in soil last night about 1/4 inch deep and covered them lightly with soil and watered them what seemed like to me thoroughly. I got home today and my soil look almost completely dry. My temperature is a constant 78-79F and my humidity is a constant 49-50% so why the fuck is the soil drying up so quickly? I am afraid I may have lost the cracked seeds and they may be dead. They are just bag seeds so its not a huge deal, but non-sinsemilla is hard to find around here. What should I do with my next seeds? Keep the pots in the dark until the seeds sprout?


Active Member
i have been just letting the seed spout on a heating pad between wet paper towels and i wait until they shed the seed befor i stick them in the dirt and just leave the top out to collect the sun. it has worked fine so far. i tryed putting them in the dirt and mostly covering them with the seed still on but nothing happens so i changed things up a bit.


Well-Known Member
At that stage while the seed hasn't broken soil I give one squirt from a mister/spray bottle (dollar store) morning & night... you don't want the dry soil to pull moisture from sprout.. then when it breaks soil I give a good water..more around the outer rim so root will search for water.. then I water well once every 3-4 days.. but give ONE squirt daily... Luck.


New Member
I'm getting a bit tired of posting this :lol:, but there is absolutely no need to prep weed seed. Straight in the soil is the best way, natures way. You open yourself up to fungus and contaminants soaking in water. Moving a taproot which is EXTREMELY fragile is at best risky.

Weed is a tough plant... Imagine if farmers had to do these things!! We'd all starve... :peace:

out. :blsmoke:

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
I read that post CrackerJax and if you remember I was the first one to respond to it. The problem is I had already started the process before your post.


Active Member
If the seed hasn't left it's shell completely, you can just put plastic wrap on top of the pot. It'll keep the moisture in. I've only germinated weed a few times, but I've germinated plenty of veggies and flowers and other herbs this way.