WTF PURPLE leaf tips/edges!!?!??!!


Well-Known Member
and always allow it to dry out, then the roots will search for water thus creating a halthy root system, that purple can be defecienies, like Mg, how close is ur light? if its veyr close tryin moving it up a bit to , jsut to make him stretch a bit


Well-Known Member
A bro you are overwatering that plant do man only time you should water is when the dirt is dry put ur finger in the ground about 3inch and if its dry water ...and when u water ..water it till there is some water coming out the bottom man ..i had the same problem when i first started grow and my plants looked just like your without the purple...the laefs are droping alot those leafs should be parallel with the ground if you know what i mean ..Horizantial. trust me i just wana help you bro my plant are a little over a mounth old and look a lot better than that.