WTF!?!? Mushrooms are sprouting in my indoor crop!! is that bad?


are they poisonous? why would they be growing on just one of my mother plants? I'm using moisture max soil and watering every other day, or when the leaves wilt, whichever is first. Mostly just giving them water, no nutes.

The only thing I can think of is that when one some of my clones die or get moldy and rot, they get these little spore looking things on them....but I usually throw them away pretty quick
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that is some crazy shit....... eat some and see if you get high. that must be something o do with the soil (maybe it was precontaminated and the funghi liked your grow conditions)

i regularly pull little weeds from my pots, they grow along side my plants in the coco and thrive on the feed i give them. i can only assume they are little coconut trees?
I dont think they are poisonous, but I wouldnt eat them!! It looks like a wood-loving mushroom, could have been spores in the soil. They arent cubes, I have grown many diff strains. I actually just picked some lastnight, check out my thread if you want.
You obviously have mycelial activity in the soil... which may also indicate good mycoryzia. That's a good thing in my book.. I dont know about eating them though.
What type of soil is that? And eating a mushroom that is unknown is probably the worst advice you could give.

i would say if boomers are growing in your soil, your humidity is way too high and you are probably over watering, be careful and good luck.......JR
is that corner shaded? I think it is a mixture of humidity and shade....mushrooms dont usually grow direct sunlight! pretty crazy though!
Just DON'T EAT THE MUSHROOMS, K? There are SOME out there which will kill you if you so much as touch terms of having them growing with a mother I dunno what to suggest about them really
In basic biology you learn mushrooms are important to bringing back nutrients into soil. Especially nitrogen as it breaks down stuff into simpler forms to be able to use. Not a huge problem though.
sweeeet... thx for all the advice! you guys rock..... STAY MEDICATED...gotta love prop 215! just picked up a little purple wreck from the dispensary tonight.... =)
lol, now you are giving me ideas. If I ferement some beer in the grow room for the C02, and grow some shrooms next to the weed, I'll have a trifecta. Am I missing anything? Can I get a naked woman in there somehow?
I had the same thing happen to me, mushrooms growing up the side of the pot. Let the soil dry out between watering. Also may be too humid, is the area well ventilated?
I wouldnt eat those they look like stump mushrooms, but having them show up isnt a bad thing and they wont hurt your plants. Just pull them out if you dont want them otherwise I pretty sure that they wont pose a threat to your plants. Every once in a while I have mushrooms sprout up in my pots, there not the same kind as yours but there mushrooms and I just pull them out when I see them.
Fungi Scares me.
Maybe a little lysol sprayed somewhere in the basement. Like spray the air farthest from the plants.
Found some caps growing in a fern this week.
Stopped watering, placed in window (HOT SUN) and sprayed lysol about 10 feet away.
Caps died within a 12 hr period.
Don't know if they would have hurt my plants/soil but didn't want caps infecting all of my houseplants and possibly invading the campers in their tent.

Yes Lysol, I spray it (lightly) in the room that leads to the campers.
Soil has lots of beneficial bacteria in it. Some of which, the mycroyzia, has apparently spread throughout your soil as a mycellium network, which is the same underground fungus that will later fruit into mushrooms. I've been told by many suppliers that this is very common for their products, or others out there on the market, and it's by no means BAD to have in your soil. However, I'd say you have less than a 1% chance of those being psychadelic, and unless you're an expert on mushrooms and can identify exactly which strain it is, I would discard.

An easy test to see if they do have any psychadelic properties, is to pic them from the pot, and pinch/bruise small bits of the stem & cap. If they turn dark blue within 1 minute of the bruising, then there is a chance that they are. I'd still only do this as a test, but from the looks they do not look in any way like something you want to eat, and I'd toss.

Still cool tho!