WTF Medical Marijuana

Change The Debate

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Well-Known Member
Skunk,you've made some wild statements in this thread, a LOT of which have very little foundation in truth. There's a lot of dogma in this field, lots of anecdotal 'evidence', but there are some things I can tell you for sure. Research published in the British Medical Journal (the most reputable medical journal in the world) has shown that cannabinoids can be extremely helpful to those who suffer from chronic pain, such as allodynia and hyperalgia, as well as those in a palliative care situation such as those diagnosed with AIDS or terminal cancer. While this may have some psychological basis, there is very real evidence of cannabinoids' action on nociceptors in the peripheral nervous system.
To speak about this subject in the way you have seems to me to belittle medical marijuana users, not to mention the researchers behind this. I think you've offended a number of people.
Basically, there are a number of arguments as to why marijuana is illegal, a lot of which are quite silly in my opinion, but to get mad at the fact that some poeple are allowed by law to smoke weed is counterproductive.
I hope you don't mind my saying all of this, but I wanted to add my two cents on the subject. Feel free to ignore me.
To those of you talking about smoking weed while breastfeeding - there's no research on it, so you're taking a risk, but it's better than being pregnant and malnourished because you can't eat!


New Member
Give me an example of these wild statements. I believed I had explained myself adequately enough...

Show me how I have belittled med' users...

I'm not mad that med' users are allowed to smoke (they're not in my country btw). It seems you have failed to read my posts properly, as is the case with many people on this site.

I feel that to explain myself time after time is a little laborious. Quote me, and I will show you where your misinterpretation rests.


Well-Known Member
Actually I stopped ALL forms of drug use for 7 years, after using for 17 every day, and was totally straight as you put it for 7 full years (not, on and off, absolutely no falling off the wagon) I Did not have a desire or a want or a need for anything. What actually got me back on marijuana is the fact that I would have to use $7000.00 of prescribed medication (No HMOs for the self employed)
that I currently substitute marijuana as my drug of choice. (Ritilin for my ADHD zombifies me and I can not function let alone think, Vicodin for the chronic pain caused by flying through a windsheild and dying twice on a table in an O.R., Prozac or whatever for the depression caused by serious trauma and loss of a percentage of functionality in ones body (20% loss of feeling body wide,) Meds (plural) for Severe Arthritis again from accident and broken bones, Glucopahge for Hyperglycemia, and Benazipil for High blood pressure.

The only 2 I currently do not replace with MJ are the last 2. but my cannibis friendly doctor says with diet I can replace the Glucose med soon.

Also, I did not GET addicted to the other drugs (OK I freely admit the nicotine addiction it still haunts me to this day, people will light up a cig and one part of me wants to go ohh can i have one... I have never had another from the day I quit.) I realized how easy it would have been to allow myself to become addicted and immediately stopped and never went back with Coke and opium. I apologize for the misleading and misused words in that statement.

Also Both my sons Mom and I smoked multiple times per day and his mom smoked on the way to the hospital and He has never wanted to continue after his first use (no he is not lying, He likes beer, which I hate)
My nonna has severe arthritis....and she really shocked me one day-I was havin a j an she asked for a drag! she doesnt eeven smoke...but she said the buzz' helps her pain..(she has lupus too)
this is how shes actually been coasting without scripts! shes too embaresed to apply for a mm card and she has no idea where to get the stuff so I give it to her when i see her (pre-rolled! lol)


Active Member
God put marijuana on this earth for us to smoke....regardless of having cancer, HIV, back problems, etc... its the one NATURAL thing WE HAVE!!! I cant understand how ALCOHOL is legal, its kills millions of people daily and does the government STOP that? No, because there all ALCOHOLICS !!! Has anyone ever heard of a person getting stoned, getting in their car, and killing anyone? and the commercials that they have about it are sooooo cracks me up... like you can really melt into a couch and stay there forever? and has anyone seen the one with the dog? apparently his owner is so stoned that he cant take the dog for a walk.....and the dog says "you disapoint me" lol since when could dogs talk? and were the people on acid that made the commercial? im done...thanks for listening...


Well-Known Member
The medical benefits of marijuana are negligible compared to the buzz
Compared to modern medicine marijuana is very pale, no competition whatsoever
if I want to smoke I've got to go to a doctor and make up some bullshit to make it okay?
May well induce his appetite by smoking but not as well as he could by taking a prescribed medicine
People like to get stoned, even people with HIV
I know that these medicinal claimers are full of shit and science is even right now declaring this to be the case
Enough quotes? And that's all from one post!
1. "Medical benefits negligible compared to the buzz"
2. "Marijuana is no competition whatsoever to modern medicine"
3. "If I want to smoke i've got to bullshit a doctor"
4. "May well induce appetite but not as well as prescribed medicine"
5. "People like to get stoned, even people with HIV"
6. "I know that these medicinal claimers are full of shit and science is even right now declaring this to be the case"

OK, let's work this through...
1. What if you're not looking for a buzz, what if you're looking for relief from symptoms? You aren't gonna be bothered about a buzz if you're in so much pain you can't think. I'd say there the medical benefit of being freed of chronic pain outweighs a bit of dizziness and giggling.
2. Just one example: Chronic pain in the case of allodynia. The modern medical treatment options are
NSAIDs eg aspirin - Have a large number of side effects, most major being duodenal and stomach ulcers from chronic use
Opioids eg morphine - Gastro-intestinal side effects such as constipation and loss of appetite, real possibility of addiction
Local anaesthetics - Impractical, expensive and dangerous in untrained hands
Or you could go for some marijuana. I know which i'd choose
3. There ya go belittling those who have an MM card
4. How the hell do you know? Are you an expert in gastro-intestinal medicine and dietetics? No? Didn't think so
5. People who have HIV and use marijuana are using it again, for it's medicinal effects, not because it gets them stoned. Relief from chronic debilitating pain comes before wanting to get dizzy and giggly, doncha think?
6. So you, the all knowing skunkushybrid KNOW that ALL of these people who are allowed to take marijuana for medicinal purposes are "full of shit"!? And you say you're NOT belittling them? And this "science" character, is proving all these MM users are "full of shit" right now is he? Can you give us some evidence of this? Cos I can give a fair bit that says absolutely the opposite

Don't get mad, just read some more, and keep an open mind :joint:


Well-Known Member
Enough quotes? And that's all from one post!
1. "Medical benefits negligible compared to the buzz"
2. "Marijuana is no competition whatsoever to modern medicine"
3. "If I want to smoke i've got to bullshit a doctor"
4. "May well induce appetite but not as well as prescribed medicine"
5. "People like to get stoned, even people with HIV"
6. "I know that these medicinal claimers are full of shit and science is even right now declaring this to be the case"

OK, let's work this through...
1. What if you're not looking for a buzz, what if you're looking for relief from symptoms? You aren't gonna be bothered about a buzz if you're in so much pain you can't think. I'd say there the medical benefit of being freed of chronic pain outweighs a bit of dizziness and giggling.
2. Just one example: Chronic pain in the case of allodynia. The modern medical treatment options are
NSAIDs eg aspirin - Have a large number of side effects, most major being duodenal and stomach ulcers from chronic use
Opioids eg morphine - Gastro-intestinal side effects such as constipation and loss of appetite, real possibility of addiction
Local anaesthetics - Impractical, expensive and dangerous in untrained hands
Or you could go for some marijuana. I know which i'd choose
3. There ya go belittling those who have an MM card
4. How the hell do you know? Are you an expert in gastro-intestinal medicine and dietetics? No? Didn't think so
5. People who have HIV and use marijuana are using it again, for it's medicinal effects, not because it gets them stoned. Relief from chronic debilitating pain comes before wanting to get dizzy and giggly, doncha think?
6. So you, the all knowing skunkushybrid KNOW that ALL of these people who are allowed to take marijuana for medicinal purposes are "full of shit"!? And you say you're NOT belittling them? And this "science" character, is proving all these MM users are "full of shit" right now is he? Can you give us some evidence of this? Cos I can give a fair bit that says absolutely the opposite

Don't get mad, just read some more, and keep an open mind :joint:
i have an open mind and happen to agree with skunk...i read the post's and didnt see anything belittling to mm users..he made good points i shouldnt have to go to a doctor if i want to use for medical reasons,its not even legal in my state so i would have to move in order to get it..fuck that.and people do like to get stoned :):)


Well-Known Member
i have an open mind and happen to agree with skunk...i read the post's and didnt see anything belittling to mm users..he made good points i shouldnt have to go to a doctor if i want to use for medical reasons,its not even legal in my state so i would have to move in order to get it..fuck that.and people do like to get stoned :):)
sorry mo i love you, but i have to agree with Iloveyoumaryjane there are many suffer's out there some are bullshiting some arnt tho so every one is 50% right and lets let this not turn into a argument :)

There are many benifits from Marijuana.
Some people need it to live, and if you want healthy eyes, keep on smoking.


Well-Known Member
I feel like im jumping in this thread a little late but it sounds like skunk and a few others arent sure how politics work. Sometimes things take time and making marijuana legal to people who NEED it first is definatley the right road to go down. Remember baby step!! Were trying to convince the most stubborn country in the world change. Making marijuana legal to ALL will take some time, be patient and happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
i read the post's and didnt see anything belittling to mm users
i shouldnt have to go to a doctor if i want to use for medical reasons
people do like to get stoned :):)
Well if you'll look at the post above yours, you'll see Fdd saying that he feels belittled, and i'm pretts sure he's an MM user.
Do you think you should have to go to the doctor if you want to use, say, morphine for medical reasons?
Any yes! I know people like to get stoned, that's the only reason I post on this forum - I wanna get stoned! But you must bear in mind that there are other uses of this wonderful plant :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i fully understand the point of this thread.
i want to smoke pot damn it!
i think that is great. it's about time the closet doors burst open. did you know the guy 2 doors down grows? most likely he does.
i think the medical and recreational aspects should be kept on 2 seperate pages though. i feel it is two completely different arguements.
a lot of people take vicodin just to get high............................


Active Member
I didnt really know what I was voting for.... :) Why on earth would anyone have a problem with medical marijuana? Sure, it means that certain individuals have legal access to pot - but on the other hand, maybe some of those people will sell some of their stash to you :D Furthermore, an increase in MM users can (eventually) break down taboos that exist because people are ignorant of the plant. I mean, someone could be an extremely outspoken anti-pot protestor, until his wife gets cancer, and a bit o' Mary Jane battles the nausea she experiences from the chemo. Recreational users should just pretend to be MM advocates, until it's legal, and I hope to Buddha that that's in my life time :) Peace Out


New Member
okay, okay. I will try to clear this up once and for all. I am not against med' cannabis in any way shape or form. I think it's fucking great.

My point is, that although there are a few illnesses where people smoke or ingest cannabis and ONLY do it because it alleviates symptoms. Most people smoke, if they're honest, because they like to get stoned.

I know people from all walks of life, I have a friend with huntington's disease that uses xtc to alleviate his symptoms. Works too, he can drive (although he really shouldn't, and in fact has just gotten out of prison for it) whilst high, doesn't twitch. In fact, he seems pretty normal. XTC has also been scientifically proven to completely remove the symptoms suffered by people with parkinsons. I actually watched a video of a guy with sever parkinsons take xtc and an hour later the guys making tea and doing forward rolls on the floor. So I know how illegal drugs can and do help with people's ailments.

I'm sure I use it for med' reasons too, do I need a doctor to tell me this? Or should I really be able to make up my own mind? The truth for most of us is that we like to get stoned and it has some beneficial side-effects. With the right counselling I believe cannabis would be excellent in cases of extreme paranoia, schizophrenia and the like. I take it for mental reasons, it quells this fire that I have burning inside me. I can't explain it any better than that.


Well-Known Member
Skunk I might understand what you mean by quelling the fire that you have burning inside.

The fire in me is anger. Pot puts that anger out. OCPD means people don't move fast enough, do things correctly, don't follow the rules, don't do things my way (which is always the right way). Pot is like throwing water onto that fire. After the fire is out or just smoldering I don't care if other people are doing things incorrectly.

Is that close to what you meant?


New Member
Skunk I might understand what you mean by quelling the fire that you have burning inside.

The fire in me is anger. Pot puts that anger out. OCPD means people don't move fast enough, do things correctly, don't follow the rules, don't do things my way (which is always the right way). Pot is like throwing water onto that fire. After the fire is out or just smoldering I don't care if other people are doing things incorrectly.

Is that close to what you meant?
Exactly what i meant. It takes me three joints to put it out first thing in the morning. I'm a very angry, impatient person when I'm not stoned.


Active Member
Who believes that the medical aspect of the marijuana debate is a load of bollocks? Well let's face it the medical aspect IS the debate.

Fair enough, I'll admit that it does have some psychological benefits and maybe a few physical ones too. In all honesty though I truly believe that people just like to get stoned... we come from all walks of life whether ill or not, rich or poor... Come on, let's change the debate... Let's tell the fucking truth!
ya know I smoke med. and your rite all a person has to do is read the spec. on the seeds. any seed can be med.the higher the thc you'll have med seeds and probly pay less for them . I picked up some seeds with 23% thc for 22 usd. so go fig. you have medical stamped on it and pay more.this is the words of wisdom from chuck.........peace


Active Member
The flu, colds and tonsilitus (severe) are not things medical marijuana is prescribed for. I suppose it might be because it is not good for those conditions. It's worth thinking about.

It makes most of us happier when we are smoking. That's why we do it. I do it because it keeps my head straight and stops me feeling aggressive; so in that sense I too am using marijuana for medical purposes.

Marijuana is a very psychological drug, and I simply do not rate it as a pain reliever. It did nothing for my tonsilitus (the worst I've ever suffered from the affliction), yet a soluble tablet from the pharmacist worked wonders.

We all like to get stoned, just as many of us appear to like getting drunk. I just don't see why we need to rely on the medical aspect. I may not know exactly how a cancer patient or AIDs victim is feeling, but I've suffered with the flu, colds and tonsilitus (severe). Smoking marijuana did nothing to alleviate my distress during any of these periods, if anything it made my symptoms worse. I suppose where smoking marijuana comes in is that it gets you that stoned you simply push your symptoms to the side. They are still there, you just echo them out... the power of the mind and all that...

I just want to see marijuana legalised for the right reasons...

oh and mogie, I agree marijuana is good for getting people off other drugs. I've got an addictive personality, i just can't say no... so after many years I've finally settled with the drug I began with.

I really can see us losing this debate if we just stick with the medical aspects of marijuana. We need to stand up and be counted... so fucking what if we like to get stoned, wtf's wrong with that?


Active Member
I have chronic back pain and nerve damage. I've had two operations for scoliosis (curvature of the spine), and woke up paralyzed waist down from the last one to everybody's surprise (including the doctors). I had to learn how to walk again over a 5 month span. I got some bad nerve damage, now have weird senses in my legs and a metal pole in my back. They've given me all sorts of highly addictive drugs (tylenol 3s, perks and the like) that get me extreamly high (my tolerance level is so whack I get high off of extra strength advil) but do not take away my back spasms, muscle aches, and horrible pain that I need to deal with daily. Marijuana does - it calms my muscles and I don't have a single back spasm. Also, its been proven that Marijuana helps nerve damage because it makes the blood circulate faster throughout the body. On days where I can't get out of bed, Marijuana allows me to be a some-what functional human being. It helps alot of people. Given, I like my high, but I would give up weed completely if I could have a constant-pain-free life. Weed is the only thing that lets me come even close to that.


Too many brownies
A lot of people take prescription medication and get some nasty side effects. Like really bad drowsiness, nausea, mood swings, liver damage etc. Obviously they don't enjoy these side effects and marijuana can be used to replace these nasty chemical drugs they are taking without many of the nasty side effects. I feel that marijuana has a place in medicine whether some people see it or not.

I am not a medical patient but I do use marijuana to help me fall asleep at night and it really works. I would never take some nasty addictive pill to help me sleep and marijuana works perfectly. I mean donut get me wrong I like to get high once and a while and have a good time.

Anyways I don't agree with you man, sorry. Marijuana can definitely be used as a pain reliever/muscle relaxer.

Destinyzalias you are a perfect candidate for medical marijuana and definitely deserve it. I am sorry about what you have gone through my younger cousin has very severe scoliosis and she takes prescription drugs that make her a complete zombie and its horrible.

I don't believe any drug is perfect every drug has its pros/cons
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