WTF is wrong with my plant!!!

Ebban Flow

Well-Known Member
Looks like nute burn to me. burnt tips is a classic sign of that. I would do as someone else already said, flush with properly PHed water. you probably exacerbated the problem by folier feeding.


Well-Known Member
Looks like nute burn to me. burnt tips is a classic sign of that. I would do as someone else already said, flush with properly PHed water. you probably exacerbated the problem by folier feeding.
i only foliar feeded twice, and again, VERY diluted, but ya if nute burn was the problem, that didnt exactly help did it lol.. thanx.. should i just start flushing it or wait till it drys out again?


Yesah looks like nute burn or overfert. just make sure your ph is in order too. I was like u, get stressed and start thrwoing stuff at it. just flush and feed with water, and increase nutes slowly when it starts lookn better.


Well-Known Member
Yesah looks like nute burn or overfert. just make sure your ph is in order too. I was like u, get stressed and start thrwoing stuff at it. just flush and feed with water, and increase nutes slowly when it starts lookn better.
kool thanx man.. i started flowering it on the 18th, and i fed it last on the 22nd.. should i wait till it drys out to start flushing again? which would be about the 28th


Well-Known Member
could be light bleaching mate. if it dont improve just lift your lights for a couple of days and see how she does, good luck..


Post a updated pic, ill tell ya if it light bleaching. (cuz from the originals not light bleaching) I wouldnt wait to start flushing even if u just watered. harder on plant if nutes are kust sitting on it than flushing it


Well-Known Member
Post a updated pic, ill tell ya if it light bleaching. (cuz from the originals not light bleaching) I wouldnt wait to start flushing even if u just watered. harder on plant if nutes are kust sitting on it than flushing it
ya it was doing that before i moved the light closer so i doubt its from the light.. i will post a pic in a week.. i am starting to flush today, waited till the 28th lol.. its in a recycle bin with pro-mix HP, im going to give it 2 litres of distilled water with a ph of 7.0, if i try to adjust the ph with distilled water it will just make it drop to like 4.0 with one drop of ph down so im just going to leave it at 7.0


Well-Known Member
hey lime not this thread the other one lol (looked at ur profile and it said u were currently viewing this thread)


Weed Modifier
ya it was doing that before i moved the light closer so i doubt its from the light.. i will post a pic in a week.. i am starting to flush today, waited till the 28th lol.. its in a recycle bin with pro-mix HP, im going to give it 2 litres of distilled water with a ph of 7.0, if i try to adjust the ph with distilled water it will just make it drop to like 4.0 with one drop of ph down so im just going to leave it at 7.0
hey gibbs whats up man?


Well-Known Member
do you have any new pics of this burned plant? curious to see how its doing?
no i actually chopped it, i figured it would have taken too long to come back from the burns, all the new top growth as u can see was just complete shit so.. i was also going thru a moment where i didnt kno wtf i was doing with my plants in putting them where under what etc etc.. long story but i chopped her down n e ways.. thanx for the interest tho.


Well-Known Member
Since you have been growing this plant have you ever flushed it,if you have never flushed it then i would advise doing so.Also the humidity of the plants what is it at take a reading of the plants humidity when the light's are off becuse it may rise during this time and this can cause leaf tip burn.Also i would advise on takeing a temp reading at the top of the plant,rule out all these before adding any other kind of feeds to help sort out growing problems.In the uk we have had some bad weather and something like lights off during cold temps can also cause these kind of problem's because has the light comes on it heats a area on the plant that has gone through cold so keep yr eye out for this..........tyke...........


Well-Known Member
Since you have been growing this plant have you ever flushed it,if you have never flushed it then i would advise doing so.Also the humidity of the plants what is it at take a reading of the plants humidity when the light's are off becuse it may rise during this time and this can cause leaf tip burn.Also i would advise on takeing a temp reading at the top of the plant,rule out all these before adding any other kind of feeds to help sort out growing problems.In the uk we have had some bad weather and something like lights off during cold temps can also cause these kind of problem's because has the light comes on it heats a area on the plant that has gone through cold so keep yr eye out for this..........tyke...........
awsome comment thanx man, i did however think of these things, i started flushing it but then decided to chop it n just wasnt worth the time/effort/space considering how many other plants and equipment options i had going so. i will def. remember to check all of those things when setting up again thanx.


Well-Known Member
It's a lockout from high ph. That's a zinc deficiency manifesting at the top of your plant. New leaves get smaller and smaller. and the banding of upper leaves is typical. You need to lower the ph of your medium.


Well-Known Member
It's a lockout from high ph. That's a zinc deficiency manifesting at the top of your plant. New leaves get smaller and smaller. and the banding of upper leaves is typical. You need to lower the ph of your medium.
thanx for the comment, i dont see how this could happen tho ive bin doing all the same things to my other plants and they sure werent like this.. i was watering with a ph of 7.0 with distilled water... and i would feed with a ph of 6.0 so theres no way it could be too high..