Wtf is wrong with me?!?!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I'd take the weed and just use lots of baby oil and a strong imagination....oh yeah, and use my non-dominant hand:mrgreen: make sure you kill the blood running to that arm so it comes limp. then it feels like someone elses hand touching you:D


Well-Known Member
I'd take the weed and just use lots of baby oil and a strong imagination....oh yeah, and use my non-dominant hand:mrgreen: make sure you kill the blood running to that arm so it comes limp. then it feels like someone elses hand touching you:D

FUKIN RIGHT DOGEEE!!! thats sum REAL shit! the stranger


Well-Known Member
I'd take the weed and just use lots of baby oil and a strong imagination....oh yeah, and use my non-dominant hand:mrgreen: make sure you kill the blood running to that arm so it comes limp. then it feels like someone elses hand touching you:D
FUKIN RIGHT DOGEEE!!! thats sum REAL shit! the stranger
the stranger, is that what they call it ? lmfao! hahahaha! yup, real shit:mrgreen:
Are you guys serious up in this bitch? Masturbation over the real thing? Poor fellas. I can't even remember the last time I masturbated. My ol lady sucks me dry. Theres no room for masturbation in my life. She's a hornball... but even worse... choosing weed over women?? Nevarrr!


Well-Known Member
Are you guys serious up in this bitch? Masturbation over the real thing? Poor fellas. I can't even remember the last time I masturbated. My ol lady sucks me dry. Theres no room for masturbation in my life. She's a hornball... but even worse... choosing weed over women?? Nevarrr!

i think what they were referring to is if you had to pick one, weed or sex. myself...i would pick sex, but i think the point that these guys were getting across is they would pick the weed and just masturbate, since they picked the weed and not sex.


Well-Known Member
you should try masterbating in your ol ladys face, thats exciting
Anyone who chooses their own fist to get them off as opposed to a woman's body part is not only mentally twisted... but also a homo. If I wanted to be manually harvested, I'd have my woman do it. Maybe I'm just lucky... but I don't need to handle it myself. My woman is happy to do whatever I want. Handjob, blowjob, vaginal sex or anal.. even TITTYFUCKIN'... she's down. My fist is obsolete. Fuck masturbation.


Well-Known Member
i think what they were referring to is if you had to pick one, weed or sex. myself...i would pick sex, but i think the point that these guys were getting across is they would pick the weed and just masturbate, since they picked the weed and not sex.
Yeah and maybe those who prefer weed over sex should just bite the business end of a shotgun.


Well-Known Member
I am sure that there is nothing wrong with you, except....what is wrong with many, my brother.

Most were given the wrong impression of sex growing up in american society.

Most have had some type of Religious upbringing, that brought on a type of moral code for sex and anything outside of that moral code, was deemed either unecessary or a flat sin.....wich is false.

Believe it or not my brother, many carry this upbringing with them throughout life, even if they do not realize it, until they do realize it and hopefully change their preception.

You are probably feeling guilt brought on by this sub-conscience mentality, that was brought on directly from your upbringing.

Sex feels good, because it was meant to feel good, between any two people that come together and want to share the experiance with eachother.

We set the stage for guilt feelings and other nonsense by basing our preceptions on the way we were taught.

I had to get self taught quickly in life not too long ago and realize many things differently.

Porn is not a sin, let go of your past and enjoy the experiance with yourself and if your partner wants to find enjoyment in the same, good for that also as long as no jealousy or any of that nonsense creeps up and the porn becomes more enjoyable too one of you, then the real thing, then you would have a problem, but one that was created by human obsession and not the porn itself....Ahhh, now you get it brother.


Rev. TheNatural


Well-Known Member
Anyone who chooses their own fist to get them off as opposed to a woman's body part is not only mentally twisted... but also a homo. If I wanted to be manually harvested, I'd have my woman do it. Maybe I'm just lucky... but I don't need to handle it myself. My woman is happy to do whatever I want. Handjob, blowjob, vaginal sex or anal.. even TITTYFUCKIN'... she's down. My fist is obsolete. Fuck masturbation.
well there has been times that i would rather choke the chicken. the other day me and my wife massturbated together.. no sex at all. juss me n my lotion, n her n her vibrater.


Well-Known Member
I am sure that there is nothing wrong with you, except....what is wrong with many, my brother.

Most were given the wrong impression of sex growing up in american society.

Most have had some type of Religious upbringing, that brought on a type of moral code for sex and anything outside of that moral code, was deemed either unecessary or a flat sin.....wich is false.

Believe it or not my brother, many carry this upbringing with them throughout life, even if they do not realize it, until they do realize it and hopefully change their preception.

You are probably feeling guilt brought on by this sub-conscience mentality, that was brought on directly from your upbringing.

Sex feels good, because it was meant to feel good, between any two people that come together and want to share the experiance with eachother.

We set the stage for guilt feelings and other nonsense by basing our preceptions on the way we were taught.

I had to get self taught quickly in life not too long ago and realize many things differently.

Porn is not a sin, let go of your past and enjoy the experiance with yourself and if your partner wants to find enjoyment in the same, good for that also as long as no jealousy or any of that nonsense creeps up and the porn becomes more enjoyable too one of you, then the real thing, then you would have a problem, but one that was created by human obsession and not the porn itself....Ahhh, now you get it brother.


Rev. TheNatural
i feel you..maybe thats y i dont like strip clubs


Well-Known Member
btw Sex over weed.. after sex is like the best tiredness in the world.. but really i think if i had to choose one to lose for say, a month.. id say fuck sex..although i have never, im sure i can go a month without sex.. not weed

Straight up G

New Member
Anyone who chooses their own fist to get them off as opposed to a woman's body part is not only mentally twisted... but also a homo. If I wanted to be manually harvested, I'd have my woman do it. Maybe I'm just lucky... but I don't need to handle it myself. My woman is happy to do whatever I want. Handjob, blowjob, vaginal sex or anal.. even TITTYFUCKIN'... she's down. My fist is obsolete. Fuck masturbation.
Yeah and maybe those who prefer weed over sex should just bite the business end of a shotgun.
that maybe but you are talking like a small child..