WTF is wrong with California

Most of these investigations are just show. The dems trying to justify there loss. Here is what i think is happening right now the white house is leaking like a shiv. Intentional? Misinformation? Maybe... There is no way to make the media lose credibility faster then to have them flood the airways with anonymous sources. and that info to turn out false. Yea... If they were really concerned and cared these anonymous sources would speak out publicly.
Their* *leaking like a sieve

Trump has confirmed it's leaking
you guys are so funny, pussies all wet when i show up to disagree with you. oh no! here comes the pussy brigade!!! rofl

you guys say: you're so mean visa! plus many other things, and i give a fuck what you guys think because...

I'll be here till my last day calling everyone out on their shit. no matter who they are, even my own dad. ask him.

the left is just so fuckin easy to dish on right now though, so fuckin emotional. its become very irritating. like if a woman was pms'ing every day forever.
Wipe that up when you're done.
china does understand the limits of capitalism would not allow them to control their economy/currency the way they do.

Why is the worlds largest Communist country better at Capitalism then us?
It's not cheap building Islands, are they repackaging our Rice?
Why are you content living in the wake of Commerce building Islands for the PLA?
Military pension, my ass. What do you know about a military pension? Rank, MOS, Unit? Tour? AO?
90% Disabled VA deposits that money every month. MOS, Unit? Tour? AO? Sorry was Navy we roll a bit different. Rank AG1(AW/SW/IDWC) NEC is closest thing we had to a MOS 7412, 9502, Tours: USS Kitty Hawk, USS Ronald Reagan. Few Small boys. 1 Tour CFSOCC Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command 1 Tour based out of Bagram Afganistan with multiple trips to various FOB's downrange.
Good thing your opinion does not matter. Ill just keep pulling my Military pension.
Good liars mix in a little truth (military pension) with the lies (your imaginary globe trotting). Please, do pull your pension. You served -- you earned it. While you're at it, please also educate yourself though. You are shamefully ill informed.
90% Disabled VA deposits that money every month. MOS, Unit? Tour? AO? Sorry was Navy we roll a bit different. Rank AG1(AW/SW/IDWC) NEC is closest thing we had to a MOS 7412, 9502, Tours: USS Kitty Hawk, USS Ronald Reagan. Few Small boys. 1 Tour CFSOCC Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command 1 Tour based out of Bagram Afganistan with multiple trips to various FOB's downrange.
FOBs are for POGs. Ever been to a COP? What FOBs, and where were they? If you're an Aerographer, what were you doing rolling with SOC?

Why are you retired as an Aerographer's mate, did you do your 20+? How old are you?

1 tour as an E7? Doubt it.
Good liars mix in a little truth (military pension) with the lies (your imaginary globe trotting). Please, do pull your pension. You served -- you earned it. While you're at it, please also educate yourself though. You are shamefully ill informed.
Join the Navy see the world that shit is no lie.... Unless you a little pussy that begs the detailer to keep you stateside...
90% Disabled VA deposits that money every month. MOS, Unit? Tour? AO? Sorry was Navy we roll a bit different. Rank AG1(AW/SW/IDWC) NEC is closest thing we had to a MOS 7412, 9502, Tours: USS Kitty Hawk, USS Ronald Reagan. Few Small boys. 1 Tour CFSOCC Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command 1 Tour based out of Bagram Afganistan with multiple trips to various FOB's downrange.
Join the Navy see the world that shit is no lie....
Ahhhh, so your 'experience' in that laundry list of countries amounts to a few hours of shore leave apiece. Probably never even made it out of the gates of the base. And you want to be taken seriously?

You don't know shit.

Good liars mix in a little truth (military pension) with the lies (your imaginary globe trotting). Please, do pull your pension. You served -- you earned it. While you're at it, please also educate yourself though. You are shamefully ill informed.
What I don't understand is why he supports people who would privatize his healthcare and then short change him by only partially covering the care they need.
ok tough guy. but thats probly what your celly is gonna tell you when you cry worse than you are now after he throat fucks you
Personal attacks are the last resort of a fool who's been completely discredited.

Pro tip; don't wave your hands to mock a disabled person like your hero- people will just think you're disabled.

Of course, they'd be right.
Ahhhh, so your 'experience' in that laundry list of countries amounts to a few hours of shore leave apiece. Probably never even made it out of the gates of the base. And you want to be taken seriously?

You don't know shit.

funny, the guy claiming to know so much, gets popped by his utility company. fuckin james bond you are