WTF is wrong with California

Sleep deprivation is setting heavy, but you can always sleep when your dead, right?

I keep saying that too. I have 2 night jobs often. And I am supposed to be disabled. I seem to deal with that by working every day for the last 3 years.

And I've only been trimming for a few hours while I drink coffee and get high.

You are suffering your buzz. I'm going kayaking after this. :-)
i ran the #2 crew for the #1 branch in the nation of the most high quality window replacement company in the world. go ahead and ask around for my real name and then go check the google reviews on my work. every time they mentioned me by name i got another $50 at the monthly meeting. at the end of the quarter they gave me $10,000.

i would laugh at anyone bragging about building this:

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He can't be a mason.
I was talking to you.
I wasn't talking to you. I asked @UncleBuck what he knows about you being a pedo. No reason to ask the pedo, pedo. Of course, I am talking to you now and so, I would like to know,

Why do you hate bicycles?
He can't be a mason.

I wasn't talking to you. I asked @UncleBuck what he knows about you being a pedo. No reason to ask the pedo, pedo. Of course, I am talking to you now and so, I would like to know,

Why do you hate bicycles?
The same reason Uncle Buck hates Russia.
You sure spend a lot of time worrying about other people. You should volunteer at a homeless shelter, or something.

I've been thinking about it. I live in a rural area so there are very few homeless and no shelters. I do my best to help those around me and am always considerate of those that are less fortunate.