WTF is this little red bug??


Active Member
So I've been seeing these little red bugs on my pots for prob the past week. Today I saw 1 sitting on a leaf and another running up and down the stem. Ive been spraying my plants every 3 days (im growing outdoors) with organicide. I dont notice any leaf damage from these things eating my plants, but Im not sure if thier friend or foe. They kinda look like spiders or maybe even more of a tick. Any ideas on these things?? These are the best pics I could get of these things. BTW: They run REALLY fast!



Well-Known Member
Kinda looks like what I'm dealing with, spider mites. I've been spraying neem oil every 4 days so far but I still see them but in lower numbers. Also greenhouse growing. I'd like more info on how to deal with these ass holes also.


Active Member
Well are you getting any plant damage from these things? I always thought they were black or something. Just did a search on google and sure enough, Red Spider Mites. This sucks! Im not noticing any damage from these things though. I spray my plants and my dirt every 3 days with organicide. Are there any better organic products besides this and Neem Oil, since you seem to still have these things around. Is there some kinda powder or anything I can put down as a barrier on the ground around my pots to keep them from getting onto my plants?


Active Member
you got spider mites bro! and once you can see them with the naked eye, it is too late. they are microscopic so once u can see them they are ALLLLL over. sorry to hear you got em man. i hear a lot of growers get them. i know my friends grow is infested with them. i also heard you cant get rid of them, just keep them in check...


Active Member
Well since Im growing in the yard I guess its to be expected. Ill just continue to spray every 3 days to kill whatever eggs they lay on my actual plants. And keep a close tab on any plant damage. Thanks for the info guys!


Well-Known Member
I haven't had to deal with these yet inside or outside on any plants in a long time.
But spider mites can't tolerate high humidity if you can somehow get that raised
in your greenhouse for a few days.
Also being a greenhouse I would looking into natural predator control.
Besides those and the neem oil you are using look into something
called sns-217. It is organic and works really well I hear.
Look into companion planting as well to help support the natural predators.
You can also check into the systemic insecticides. I believe avid is one.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice, but Im not growing in a greenhouse. The plants are just in pots in the ground in the backyard. Is there some kind of powder or granual I can put as a barrier around my holes to keep them from crawling into my pots/plants. But Ill head to the store and look for some sns-217. Thanks. Anyone else got any ideas?


Well-Known Member
sorry I mixed up grizzdudes post with yours. He is doing the greenhouse.
Good luck finding sns-217 locally.
Granules will not work because those little bastards fly in the wind. Hitch rides off animals/people
and drop off where they wish.


Well-Known Member
GOOD NEWS TODAY! Those suckers are almost completely gone, I saw mabey 2 or 3 today when just a few days ago there were thousands! It's been about 6 or 7 days since I fist saw them, sprayed like hell first day, waited 3 days and sprayed like hell again, now 2 days later those fuckers are almost gone! I used greenlight neem consentraite from Lowes. I think I'll keep applying every week or so up untill a couple weeks before harvest just to keep up on any other infestations. Neem oil is supposed to get rid of spider mites after 2-3 applications 4-5 days apart. Also gonna spray again tomarrow for any eggs that might hatch. I think it's all down hill from here guys


Well-Known Member
Neem eradicates mites very well. Its going to work, but make sure you do 3 real applications. I'd space 5 days apart.


Hello all. I am about 2 days away from harvest and while inspecting the buds with a microscope I noticed the small spider mite. I have only found a couple and try to pluck them off. What should I do with only a couple of days left? Should I just discard the buds with the mites and keep the rest. I have only seen 2. Thanks in advance.