wtf is happening?

I don't know what the little yellowish spots on the plant mean. parts of the leafs look dried up, could this mean that it is too cold? could my fan have something to do with this? and should I run my fan like I do my lights? 18 hours on and turn the fan off during the dark period?


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please I need immediate help before my problem gets worse, I've gone through so many pages in the plant problem section but have yet to stumble across what I am looking for. I'd appreciate any input at this point
please I need immediate help before my problem gets worse, I've gone through so many pages in the plant problem section but have yet to stumble across what I am looking for. I'd appreciate any input at this point
So the yellow spots are concern usually of pest in my experience but you have a lil more going on so lets see. If its a bottom fan leaf than its normal but something just not right. If its near the top your right it could be wind burn. Fan should always remain on unless your room as an advantage i.e. you live in a colder climate so you can save some power and run it for an hour every other hour or something up to you. You also need to dial in on your silicate and calmag. And last but not least the spots are concerning. Pick the leaf you notice with this and scope it to ensure its not pest and eliminate a possibility. Hope this somewhat helps.
So the yellow spots are concern usually of pest in my experience but you have a lil more going on so lets see. If its a bottom fan leaf than its normal but something just not right. If its near the top your right it could be wind burn. Fan should always remain on unless your room as an advantage i.e. you live in a colder climate so you can save some power and run it for an hour every other hour or something up to you. You also need to dial in on your silicate and calmag. And last but not least the spots are concerning. Pick the leaf you notice with this and scope it to ensure its not pest and eliminate a possibility. Hope this somewhat helps.
I've been thinking it was insects but i don't own a scope that can see that close. I was thinking maybe they are Some sort of mite or white flys. I see a fungus nat every now and then could they be the cause? I live in a desert climate it's monsoon season here right now. I was unaware of wind burn, this is my first atempt at cannabis cultivation so I'm trying my best to retain every bit of information. Will moving my fan further back stop this from happening?
Have the fan on rotate if possible. Yes gnats will cause the yellow spots too. Monitor your plants bro. Take a leaf and check it out like RIGHT under the light and wait for something to move if not than its the fungus gnats. To manage this, top dress wih some coco.
Have the fan on rotate if possible. Yes gnats will cause the yellow spots too. Monitor your plants bro. Take a leaf and check it out like RIGHT under the light and wait for something to move if not than its the fungus gnats. To manage this, top dress wih some coco.
thank you bro they are looking a little healthier now. also have you ever come across the leaves folding inwards almost like a taco effect? I don't know if it's too cold because I haven't had a fan on them since we've had AC.

