wtf happened here??? sum1 plz help me.

so I three days ago I opened my tent and in one of my hydros, my four plants that were in it looked sad as if it needed water. so I opened the bin to see how much was in there and it was low so I cleaned the bin out and refilled it as usual... adjust the ph to 6 appox. (my meter bounced in the 5.9 - 6.3 area) and using cyco nutrients... and I READ DIRECTIONS so the ppms were good around 1250 ppm. three days later my girls are still sad : ( where did I go wrong?



Well-Known Member
Looks like Nitrogen Tox , from overwater/feeding and or to much N. Dark plastic looking green and downward taco/claw. FFoF?


Well-Known Member
Sorry , Its a soil , but your Hydro , either way its still looks the same as my experiences, N tox imo.
is there a way I can correct this without changing the water? California is in a drought so I try to conserve... I know I sound dumb but that's me


Well-Known Member
so I three days ago I opened my tent and in one of my hydros, my four plants that were in it looked sad as if it needed water. so I opened the bin to see how much was in there and it was low so I cleaned the bin out and refilled it as usual... adjust the ph to 6 appox. (my meter bounced in the 5.9 - 6.3 area) and using cyco nutrients... and I READ DIRECTIONS so the ppms were good around 1250 ppm. three days later my girls are still sad : ( where did I go wrong?
get a pic with the lights off them pics just shit me to tears