wtf happend to kendar


Well-Known Member
Carne Seca is no fool. I am sure there are cops out there who do not know about this site. The MAIN point was, why bring extra attention. Cops love to snoop and investigate.


Well-Known Member
Clearly Kaendar is a complete moron but you guys freaking out and assuming LEO just found out about this site because of him are right up their with Kaendar.
If you meant to single out one person, quote them directly. You went after "you guys". Again, I will defend Carne Seca on this one.


Ursus marijanus
I doubt there was a real security issue. After all, if one Googles "marijuana forum" we're number two! Woo-hoo! cn


Well-Known Member
Yes the cops know where my house is but if you are hanging out at my house please do not attract
their attention.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It's one thing to have a random monitoring LEO or two but this put this in a TOMA situation (top of mind awareness). Police all over the country visit that site daily. Now all of them are quite aware of Roll It Up. Not only that but there will be word of mouth. Officers going to their department and saying, "guess what some dipshit did this weekend? Here's the url. Get a good laugh out of it." The next logical step is to click on the links and voila! Roll It Up.

I seriously doubt they will do anything since this is a site for legal, card carrying, in compliance, decent, hard working, productive citizens. Hi Officers! ::waving::

Anyway, this too shall pass and hopefully Kaendar will do the right thing and flush himself.
And that's not the only post like that in this thread so maybe you should work on your reading and comprehension skills before you try to talk shit to others.
Carne Seca is no fool. I am sure there are cops out there who do not know about this site. The MAIN point was, why bring extra attention. Cops love to snoop and investigate.
Sometimes you gotta rub the puppy's nose in shit before they'll stop going on the carpet. Thanks for the back-up. :D


Well-Known Member
you can try to talk shit all you want that won't change the fact that you spazzed like a moron.


Well-Known Member
I'll link it once it's full activated. Don't go messing it up for me, peoples! Going to talk to the cops nicely, like I did when they walked in on me rolling in a tent with 3 and a half ounces of thai and kush... lol.

But seriously, I am going to try and ask them politely what went on with Kaendar, how they are and would they like to hear about the medicinal benefits of marijuana.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'll link it once it's full activated. Don't go messing it up for me, peoples! Going to talk to the cops nicely, like I did when they walked in on me rolling in a tent with 3 and a half ounces of thai and kush... lol.

But seriously, I am going to try and ask them politely what went on with Kaendar, how they are and would they like to hear about the medicinal benefits of marijuana.
These are American LEO's Kuroi. All you will get is ridicule and rhetoric. Sorry to say, but it's true. :(


Well-Known Member
I can say with about 70% confidence that they'll say no.
I can say with 100% confidence that where I'm from they cuff you in your underwear , place you in your front yard and then flashbang you. just for growing a little weed.