WRITE YOUR SENATORS: Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial

you really think ay thing we do or say will/can make a difference?
you can vote/nominate who ever you wish to make the changes you want, and they will promise you at election time that the things that matter will be done.
but once they get into power theyre all the same
the government never changes only the appearance changes.
you really think ay thing we do or say will/can make a difference?
you can vote/nominate who ever you wish to make the changes you want, and they will promise you at election time that the things that matter will be done.
but once they get into power theyre all the same
the government never changes only the appearance changes.

In support of the basic principle that to try and fail is better than not to try ... I will speak against plainly bad government policy. If my voice isn't heard, at least I spoke up. cn
This is....... OH..Hey.......plop

All joking aside, has anyone seen anything in the major networks or anywhere on the tube about this?
I think FOX just picked it up, or parts of it...

Published on Fox News (http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com)

Home > Blogs > Trish Turner's blog > Should the Military Be Allowed to Detain Americans Indefinitely?
Should the Military Be Allowed to Detain Americans Indefinitely?

By Trish Turner
Created 2011-11-29 17:54

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., introduced legislation Tuesday that would prohibit any American captured by the U.S. military in its war on terrorism from being held indefinitely without trial, this in the wake of an overwhelming bipartisan defeat of a measure that would have stripped language from a massive defense spending bill that requires military custody for individuals suspected of being members of al Qaeda or its affiliates.
"I strongly believe the U.S. government should not have the ability to lock away its citizens...without charging and providing a heightened level of due process. We don't pick up citizens...without giving them due process of law," Feinstein, chairwoman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, said, as she introduced an amendment to the defense bill, a measure that funds troop pay raises, weapons systems, and money for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The White House [1] has threatened to veto the National Defense Authorization Act for several reasons, not the least of which is the detainee provisions. In strong language, the Administration has warned that the bill's requirements, including mandatory military custody for those detained on any battlefield, including inside the United States, would greatly hinder its ongoing operations.
"The Administration strongly objects to the military custody provision...which would appear to mandate military custody for a certain class of terrorism suspects. This unnecessary, untested, and legally controversial restriction of the President's authority to defend the Nation from terrorist threats would tie the hands of our intelligence and law enforcement professionals," the "Statement of Administration Policy reads. "Applying this military custody requirement to individuals inside the United States, as some Members of Congress have suggested is their intention, would raise serious and unsettled legal questions and would be inconsistent with the fundamental American principle that our military does not patrol our streets."
Bill supporters, including both Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin of Michigan and his GOP counterpart, John McCain [2] of Arizona, successfully fended off a challenge Tuesday led by Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., with support from Tea Party conservative Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky.
Feinstein then announced her intention to challenge the bill on a narrower basis, attempting to carve out American citizens from the bill's strictures.
The Feinstein amendment expressly prescribes the authority of the U.S. military where U.S. citizens are concerned, saying that the authority of "the Armed Forces of the United States to detain a person does not include the authority to detain a citizen of the United States without trial."
"We're fighting a war, not a crime," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, an Air Force Reserves military lawyer and key author of the nation's detainee treatment law. "Here's what we decided to do as a body today. America is part of the battlefield. We firmly believe the war is coming back home, so we're no longer going to have an absurd result that if we capture you overseas where you're planning attack on the United States, we can blow you up or put you in a military prison indefinitely. But if you make it to America, all of a sudden you get Miranda rights and you go to federal court. That's an absurd result; never been known in war before."

Graham, Levin, and McCain say the Administration should not object to the requirements of their bill, because they put in a national security waiver, allowing the Secretary of Defense to determine if certain situations necessitate a criminal/civil path, not a military one.

The Senate is slowing moving toward final passage of the $662 billion defense measure by week's end, a normally popular bill that Congress has approved every year for a half century, but it's fate this time around is, as yet, uncertain. A key test vote is set for Wednesday.
Georgia Guidestones

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34°13′55″N 82°53′40″W / 34.231984°N 82.894506°W / 34.231984; -82.894506

Georgia Guidestones.

The stone featuring the English version.

The Georgia Guidestones is a large granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages' scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.
The structure is sometimes referred to as an "American Stonehenge."[1] The monument is almost 20 feet (6.1 m) tall if the buried support stones are included, exactly 18 feet (5.5 m) otherwise,[2] and made from six granite slabs weighing more than 240,000 pounds (110,000 kg) in all.[3] One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides some notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones.

[edit] History

In June 1979, an unknown person or persons under the pseudonym R.C. Christian hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the structure.[3] One popular hypothesis is that the patron's pseudonym may be a tribute to the legendary 17th-century founder of Rosicrucianism, Christian Rosenkreuz.[3]
[edit] Inscriptions

A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.
  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
[edit] Explanatory tablet

The explanatory tablet, immediately west of the edifice.

A few feet to the west of the artifact, an additional granite ledger has been set level with the ground. This tablet identifies the structure and the languages used on it, lists various facts about the size, weight, and astronomical features of the stones, the date it was installed, and the sponsors of the project. It also speaks of a time capsule buried under the tablet, but the positions on the stone reserved for filling in the dates on which the capsule was buried and is to be opened are missing, so it is not clear whether the time capsule was ever put in place. Each side of the tablet is perpendicular to one of the cardinal directions, and is inscribed so that the northern edge is the top of the inscription.
The complete text of the explanatory tablet is detailed below. The accompanying image shows the overall layout. The tablet is somewhat inconsistent with respect to punctuation, and also misspells "pseudonym". The original spelling, punctuation, and line breaks in the text have been preserved in the transcription which follows.
At the center of each tablet edge is a small circle, each containing a letter representing the appropriate compass direction (N, S, E, W).
At the top center of the tablet is written:
The Georgia Guidestones
Center cluster erected March 22, 1980

Immediately below this is the outline of a square, inside which is written:
Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason

Around the edges of the square are written the names of four ancient languages, one per edge. Starting from the top and proceeding clockwise, they are:Babylonian (in cuneiform script), Classical Greek, Sanskrit and Ancient Egyptian (in hieroglyphics).
On the left side of the tablet is the following column of text:
Astronomic Features
1. channel through stone
indicates celestial pole.
2. horizontal slot indicates
annual travel of sun.
3. sunbeam through capstone
marks noontime throughout
the year
Author: R.C. Christian
(a pseudonyn) [sic]
Sponsors: A small group
of Americans who seek
the Age of Reason
Time Capsule
Placed six feet below this spot
To Be Opened on

The words appear as shown under the time capsule heading; no dates are engraved.
[edit] Physical data

On the right side of the tablet is the following column of text:
[edit] Guidestone languages

Below the two columns of text is written the caption "GUIDESTONE LANGUAGES". The names of eight modern languages are inscribed along the long edges of the projecting rectangles, one per edge. Starting from due north and moving clockwise around so that the upper edge of the northeast rectangle is listed first, they are English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. At the bottom center of the tablet is the following text:
Additional information available at Elberton Granite Museum & Exhibit
College Avenue
Elberton, Georgia

[edit] Astronomical features

The four outer stones are oriented to mark the limits of the 18.6 year lunar declination cycle.[2] The center column features a hole through which the North Star can be seen regardless of time, as well as a slot that is aligned with the Sun's solstices and equinoxes. A 7/8" aperture in the capstone allows a ray of sun to pass through at noon each day, shining a beam on the center stone indicating the day of the year.[3]
[edit] Location

34°13′55″N 82°53′40″W / 34.231984°N 82.894506°W / 34.231984; -82.894506
The Georgia Guidestones are located on a hilltop in Elbert County, Georgia, approximately 90 miles (140 km) east of Atlanta, 45 miles (72 km) from Athens, and 9 miles (14 km) north of the center of Elberton. The stones are standing on a rise a short distance to the east of Georgia Highway 77 (Hartwell Highway), and are visible from that road. Small signs beside the highway indicate the turnoff for the Guidestones, which is identified by a street sign as "Guidestones Rd." It is located on the highest point in Elbert County.
[edit] Ownership

Elbert County owns the Georgia Guidestones site. Robert C. Christian deeded the five acres to the county immediately upon purchase from Wayne Mullenix.[2] According to the Georgia Mountain Travel Association's detailed history: "The Georgia Guidestones are located on the farm of Mildred and Wayne Mullenix..."[4] The Elbert County land registration system shows what appears to be the Guidestones as County land purchased on October 1, 1979. [5][6]
The monument was unveiled in March 1980, with the presence of 100 people.[7] Another account specifies March 22, 1980 and said 400 people attended.[2][3]
[edit] Controversy

Yoko Ono and others have praised the inscribed messages as "a stirring call to rational thinking," while opponents have labeled them as the "Ten Commandments of the Antichrist."[3]
The Guidestones have become a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists. One of them, an activist named Mark Dice, demanded that the Guidestones "be smashed into a million pieces, and then the rubble used for a construction project,"[8] claiming that the Guidestones are of "a deep Satanic origin," and that R. C. Christian, belongs to "a Luciferian secret society" related to the New World Order.[3] At the unveiling of the monument, a local minister proclaimed that he believed the monument was "for sun worshipers, for cult worship and for devil worship".[7]
Radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, in his 2008 documentary Endgame: Elite's Blueprint For Global Enslavement, told the viewer that "the message of the mysterious Georgia Guidestones, purportedly built by representatives of a secret society called the Rosicrucian Order or Rosicrucians, which call for a global religion, world courts, and for population levels to be maintained at around 500 million, over a 5.5 billion reduction from current levels. The stones infer that humans are a cancer upon the earth and should be culled in order to maintain balance with nature."[9]
In 2008, the stones were defaced with polyurethane paint and graffiti with slogans such as "Death to the new world order."[10] Wired magazine called the defacement "the first serious act of vandalism in the Guidestones' history".[3] More recently, in an apparent attempt to topple the monument, a large notch was cut from the top of the English language Guidestone near the 8" long, 1⅝" thick stainless steel dowel pin used to secure that slab to the capstone.[citation needed]
As of November 14, 2009 (2009 -11-14)[update], the stones bear a variety of graffiti. Elbert County is funding ongoing repair and has installed two video surveillance cameras at the site.[citation needed]
My guns have been in the shop being repaired. If this passes I'm gonna get better than I already am at shooting. I'll be that little old lady that no one notices or cares about, but has that little pistol underneath her shawl.

Mad props. I work with a few of those kind of "little old ladies" and they're all funny as hell and cool to be around. Anyhow, I better start watching the news allot more until I see some mention of this. I'll post what I see (if anything) and definitely keep up with this thread.
My guns have been in the shop being repaired. If this passes I'm gonna get better than I already am at shooting. I'll be that little old lady that no one notices or cares about, but has that little pistol underneath her shawl.
I have been thinking about this for a little while. Having your guns in a shop is a tactical faux paw. IMHO, research each of your weapons to learn what are the common things that break or wear out. Pick up one extra of each part, get a simple gun repair tool kit, and a book or DVD of simple gun smithing. Some things required a professional with professional shop equipment, but simple parts replacement and adjustments can be done yourself with a little research and proper basic tools.
If SHTF, you don't want to have to go get your guns if you need them ASAP. The gun repair store could get looted, or be told not to release any weapons...and if your weapon breaks during a SHTF event, there may be no gun repair stores.
We stock up on ammo "just in case" because it could be hard to get when needed, we stock first aid supplies and medications, so it is a good idea to have some spare parts and the knowledge of how to install them.
Anything you can do for yourself means one less thing you need someone else to do for you...and it saves you money on a gun smith's labor charge. A replacement shell extractor and spring for a semi-auto hand gun may be $30, the min. hour labor charge is $70 (that repair takes 15 min max) so it costs $100 for the repair plus not having the weapon for days or weeks.
This might not be for everyone, but that is how I think.
I may be over reacting here, but as soon as I heard it passed, (thanks to Winter Woman and a few of my friends) I went out and almost drained my savings on survival gear. Even took the past few days off work so I could build a shelter way out in the boonies. I encourage anyone who cares about their freedom to take such actions. How did this thread almost die? Do people not care, or are they out doing the kind of stuff I just mentioned?
I may be over reacting here, but as soon as I heard it passed, (thanks to Winter Woman and a few of my friends) I went out and almost drained my savings on survival gear. Even took the past few days off work so I could build a shelter way out in the boonies. I encourage anyone who cares about their freedom to take such actions. How did this thread almost die? Do people not care, or are they out doing the kind of stuff I just mentioned?
this right here:!:
Us pissed of veterans are toast if this gets enforced. We speak out for, and against (that makes us bad), the government. I am a political activist (that makes me real bad) We have had government provided weapons and combat training...We know what it is like to be shot at, and know how to shoot back. That makes us a threat to the government. Since 911, the DHS has considered returning vets a possible threat to national security. Please look that one up! The very people fighting for the country are looked at by the country as possible threats.
Ain't life a bitch! No good deed goes unpunished it seems.
Us pissed of veterans are toast if this gets enforced. We speak out for, and against (that makes us bad), the government. I am a political activist (that makes me real bad) We have had government provided weapons and combat training...We know what it is like to be shot at, and know how to shoot back. That makes us a threat to the government. Since 911, the DHS has considered returning vets a possible threat to national security. Please look that one up! The very people fighting for the country are looked at by the country as possible threats.
Ain't life a bitch! No good deed goes unpunished it seems.

Everyone's equally screwed. You guys will just be the first that uncle sam starts to fuck with
Some how when they start to come for people we must stand united. I just don't know if the young people have the guts for it. OWS will be nothing compared to what the government will do - pepper spray will be child's play once they start.

Vote McCain and Levin out!!! If I still live in Michigan you can count on my vote against Levin.
Everyone's equally screwed. You guys will just be the first that uncle sam starts to fuck with
Starts to fuck with? They already fuck with us. They send us into a war zone, tell us to do our jobs, and when we do some asshole decides to charge us like criminals. You shot the enemy? Your happy about it? We are charging you with murder, good luck. Then returning veterans were pot on a possible threat to the country list...
And the govt. wonders why a lot of us are really pissed off at it.
Some how when they start to come for people we must stand united. I just don't know if the young people have the guts for it. OWS will be nothing compared to what the government will do - pepper spray will be child's play once they start.

Vote McCain and Levin out!!! If I still live in Michigan you can count on my vote against Levin.

E-bay baby! You can get surplus gas masks and about all of the tack gear they have. Commercial companies like Second Chance sells ballistic clothing to the private sector, from light weight shirts you wear under normal clothing all the way up to the heavy swat ballistic vests with the ceramic trauma plates so you don't get busted ribs and won't get stunned by the impact.
Don't forget those who reload their own ammo. It doesn't matter how much they shoot, they will just make more.
We also don't have to play by the rules. During the revolutionary war when we stopped marching in lines for battle and started shooting from behind trees, the British had no idea how to fight like that at first.
There is something about the American fighting man/woman...We will die on our feet before we will live on our knees. That is what built this country then, and will rebuild it again.