Wrinkled leafs. pictures

Hello everyone I'm having troble with my plants i just switched them to 12-12 and a few days later this happens every grow. I tried reducing nuits more air different temps and even different water. Nothing helps. I'm growing in soil bx pro mix and use house and garden nuits and theres 12 plants under 6 1000 watt lights i always ph to 6.3. I try to compare the pictures but they all seem to look the same in the plant problem section. I have pictures but don't see an option to upload them. Please help thank you.
Here is a couple more. I posted about 6 months or so ago about a similar problem with pictures and they where different strains I'm not sure if this is the same issue.


The last watering was just ph water. I thought the same thing but it seams to get worst if I water with no nuits so I was thinking some kind of deficiency but I'm not sure. I have reduced my nuits in the past and it never made any difference. Could nuit burn cause red stems?


Active Member
Looks like two things to me 1. underwatering 2. Nute lock Have u checked the PH of ur run off water? IMO I believe ur soil may be too acidic which can burn ur plant and look like a nute burn. This would also account for the droopy leaves. Their not being able to up take the water ur giving it. Check ur run off PH
They get watered every 2-3 days the run off is around 6.5. I believe the soil has lima in it. This has happened before and I always reduced the nuit level and it got worst. I will try the next watering and see how it goes. Thank you